Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

I downloaded freespace 2 on a bittorrent. Even if the game was made in 1999, the graphics are still extremely well done and the atmosphere is just fucking intense, you really feel like you're part of a big war in your tiny fucking spaceship when you come across a Juggernauth war vessel that you can see from so fucking far away, it actually scares you (it scared me)
hey I found a pic of the Juggernaut


it doesn't tell much that way, but when you're playing the game, you're actually telling yourself: "we're fucked"
Anyone else get headaches from video games? It seems the only ones I can tolerate are sports games.
Halo 3 makes me nauseous after about 30 minutes. Maybe I shouldnt be playing video games.
I downloaded freespace 2 on a bittorrent. Even if the game was made in 1999, the graphics are still extremely well done and the atmosphere is just fucking intense, you really feel like you're part of a big war in your tiny fucking spaceship when you come across a Juggernauth war vessel that you can see from so fucking far away, it actually scares you (it scared me)

there's a patch out there that upgrades the graphics to make them look even more awesome. Runs in a higher resolution and the ships have more detailed skins, etc. It's been a while since I installed, but I think it's called Freespace 2 SCP (source code project). It was a pain to get installed and to download the plethora of patches, but the end result was worth it.
So the Crysis demo is pretty cool even though I get the occasional audio hiccup and have a very annoying graphical bug that makes my character a little in front of my POV so I can see my own head, back, etc sometimes and almost constantly see two sets of arms.
there's a patch out there that upgrades the graphics to make them look even more awesome. Runs in a higher resolution and the ships have more detailed skins, etc. It's been a while since I installed, but I think it's called Freespace 2 SCP (source code project). It was a pain to get installed and to download the plethora of patches, but the end result was worth it.

damn, that sounds nice. Why don't they make a Freespace 3? Fuck, 1999 was one of the best year for gaming
I mostly played multiplayer first. I just got done playing on singleplayer though. I'm on the second U.S.M.C. level. It's goooooood.
Okay, one complaint about Crysis. The AI is really uneven. Sometimes I'll quietly dispose of somebody (a tranq dart and then a silenced pistol to the head execution style) well away and out of sight from other enemies but they'll still know and fire flares. Sometimes, however, three enemies will be talking to each other and I'll tranq one and the other two just keep on talking even though their buddy just collapsed right in front of them.

Other than that, this demo rules and I need the full game.