Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

If I connect my 360 to my TV with an HDMI cable, will the visuals and sound blow me away or will I say, "Fucking sixty-dollar cable piece of crap!"

Is there a good game rental company other than GamezNflix?

Her hair is nice but I don't like how she has it styled with that large emo flap over her face. Her face, she has an odd look on her face. She's attractive but not in a big way.

Anywho, my opinion may be swaying as to preferring COD4 multiplayer to Halo 3 multiplayer. The more I play both the more pissed I become with H3. If I fucking throw a grenade and pepper a guy with a dozen plus rounds followed up with a melee I expect his/her ass to die. Not kill me with a couple shots or a melee. Fuck you. At least in COD4, if you get killed out of nowhere it's because there was a well placed sniper hiding somewhere or your ass just wasn't paying attention to enemy movement.