Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

Mass Effect is fucking amazing. I'm surprised I pretty much ignored everything about this game till the PC version came out, because it is definitely worth of attention.

I attempted to model my character into a Charlize Theron in Aeon Flux look... it failed. But good game none the less!
Jonathon, I've noticed that you keep on mentioning your age in every other post you pen your name to. Are you really having a mid-life crisis at the ripe old age of 30? God damn, what marriage and children do to some people. You need to take up rock climbing or something of that sort to get your youthful juices flowing again. Fucking aye man, you sound like you're about ready to roll over and get your prostate examined.

haha honestly...
Mass Effect is fucking amazing. I'm surprised I pretty much ignored everything about this game till the PC version came out, because it is definitely worth of attention.

I attempted to model my character into a Charlize Theron in Aeon Flux look... it failed. But good game none the less!

Mass Effect was great, never played it on PC. I tried Gothic III after playing the second one, it's buggy as hell.
So if I want to pick up a game to play... What should it bet? Is Age of Conan worth it?

I played a lot of Portal last night. It was fucking awesome.
Purchased Mass Effect this morning. An acquisition propelled by the RC hype machine. After playing it for an hour, I'm far more interested in continuing through the story than Gears of War (a game that can't hold my attention for more than 5 mins), and Bad Company (which I played this morning and wasn't impressed enough to cough up 60 bucks for.) Feels like I'm in a world penned by Dan Simmons. :kickass:
Watched all the dev panels and all that today... shit my self sideways when they brought out Diablo 3 in the opening conference. I had a feeling it was coming, but when the live tristam theme started, I fucking freaked out like a little girl.

What I wasn't expecting was as much gameplay elements as they presented today... seems like we could see the final product around the same time as Starcraft 2 (which in the last dev panel was declared won't be out till 2009 atleast).


Diablo III release party, KICKASS!
Finally broke down and bought Rock Band for the PS3. It seems I keep on running into folks extolling its virtues, including Gugs. Spent about three hours playing it last night, and I have to admit, it's a lot of fun.
