Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

when I first heard about that the fist thing that popped to mind was how strange it seemed. Of all crossovers, that is one that would have been low on the list I would think.
Forced Unleashed shall rule.

Fire Pro Wrestling Returns for ps2 (or earlier versions on the snes, dreamcast, or saturn) is absolutely INCREDIBLE. I can't begin to explain the depth of the character customization... Even if you're not a huge fan of pro wrestling (I fucking hate it) it's still awe-inspiring and absolutely fun. I will tell you, the best part is cpu vs cpu matches with two accurately, or ridiculously programmed characters. Best thing to drink to since Rodney King.

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Does anyone here play Team Fortress 2?

Haven't played TF2 in a few months.

In other news, They managed to make Stalker - Clear Sky more bug-filled and broken than the first (Shadow of Chernobyl). Didn't know that would even be possible, but apparently it was.

Going to play Crysis:Warhead for now and hope the patches fix things in the meantime.
I never get a chance to play mine. Maybe if the Anders is napping but there's always something else that needs taking care of during that time. When he's awake, the games are too violent for him to be staring at while I play.
That said, the wife bought me Assassin's Creed for my birthday and it's just so boring, I can't get past the first couple missions.
So you're not raising Anders on a healthy diet of death metal and gorey video games? How the shit else is he supposed to learn? How's the little guy doing anyway?

I know fuck all about Assassin's Creed, or the majority of modern games really. I bought the Xbox for GTA4 which was good but I can't seem to stay focussed on it for long.
GTA4 was a grand disappointment. I have no interest in playing at again. Nice graphics though.

Anders is doing well, thanks. He sings a song that goes: "carths, truckths/ carths and truckths/ truckths and carths". He's creative, eh?
Crysis Warhead: More of the same meh.
Stalker Clear Sky: More bugs than ever, but whats there is pure gold.
Civ 4: Colonization: Even more awesome than the shiny nostalgia version of my youth.
Settlers 6: Its balls, Settlers 2 was the pinacle of this series.
Jade Empire: Meh
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance: Meh
Spore: OMG hype-machine (makes the RC Hype machine look non-existant). Boring.
Spore: OMG hype-machine (makes the RC Hype machine look non-existant). Boring.
I'm afraid I have to agree. I really tried (well, I kinda tried at least) to enjoy this a lot, but the only fun part (and pretty much what they're selling the game on) is the creature design-part. The rest of the game just isn't very necessary, and even the creature design would benefit from a bunch of improvements.
Wipeout: Pulse for psp. such a good game. Has an incredibly steep learning curve but once you learn how to maneuver at top speeds (phantom class) its a blast. Not to mention the presentation is incredible for a handheld and the soundtrack is amazing (Kraftwerk, etc.)