Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

Crysis Warhead: More of the same meh.
Stalker Clear Sky: More bugs than ever, but whats there is pure gold.

Both games are just more of the same really. In Crysis' case, they improved the coding of the engine so it runs much better, but the game is literally the same thing, other than the fact that you now play as Psycho (big deal). It's still enjoyable as it is almost entirely bug free. Playing the role of a soldier in a super-advanced (nano) suit and beating the crap outta koreans and aliens is always fun :P.

Stalker changed things, and in almost every case, for the worst. (UI, Broken Faction system, PDA, Enemy AI, New artifacts, Method to get artifacts, and the performance is still not that good with the enhanced lightning mode, whether DX9 in XP or DX9 or Dx10 in Vista). Their intentions are good, but boy did they fuck up worse than SoC. The voice acting and general atmosphere of the people seems a bit lackluster as well. Although the world itself seems more alive with factional warfare, the characters themselves do not feel authentic like they did before. Freedom guys in particular annoy the fuck out of me, even though I still prefer them to Duty.

I was one of the unfortunate few with the bug that I could no longer get into Garbage and my saves were all screwed that way, so I am playing Crysis in the meantime while stuff gets fixed. The funny thing is I already had user-made scripts that prevented some of the crashes but still got fucked in the end. Regardless of all this shit I still do like the game, as I really enjoy the concept of the "Zone"

Farcry 2 will be out later this month, as well as Fallout 3. Not really anything inventive coming out lately, but at least there have been some games the last couple of months for PC.
Yeah, I know what you mean, wait for modders to fix Stalker to what it should/could be and it will be awesome. :) Same thing happened Shadow of Chernobyl.

Farcry 2 and Fallout 3 also have me interested.
Anyone else tried Fallout 3 yet? Played it a bit at my brother's place for Xbox 360, total asskick. Looks a wee bit like a 3d shooter at first but doesn't feel like it when you do play.
I heard they compromised their artistic integrity after the aussies started whining about it being "too bloody". Bah, as if that's even possible.

That said, the first two Fallout games were like the best ever, and I was hoping the third would be in the same style, but oh well.
I heard they compromised their artistic integrity after the aussies started whining about it being "too bloody". Bah, as if that's even possible.

That said, the first two Fallout games were like the best ever, and I was hoping the third would be in the same style, but oh well.

Well, the new one is bloodier than the first two at least... Dunno how much they removed, but it can't have been a lot then?
Like I said, I haven't played it a lot but I do think it's in the same style. It's quite obvious that Bethesda also made Oblivion though, and if that's good or bad depends in whoever's judging.
tentative update on fallout 3: So far so good... may not be quite so classic, but it looks great, runs great and seems to be fun. VATS makes combat too easy sometimes, so I find myself trying to avoid it. Decapitation with a baseball bat is sweet, as are critical headshots leading to death.... boom goes the pumpkin... planning to restart and be a twisted evil fuck. Steal, murder, loot, rape (if I get the option).
What the fuck am I gonna play...
I just burnt 6 games for the Xbox 360* and Wrath of the lich king for WoW comes out in 2 weeks.

Fallout 3
Far Cry 2
Gears of War 2
Dead Space
Fable 2
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
The ambience that dominates Dead Space is so fucking dense and relentless, it's crushing. Best game I've played in ages, though a little more diversity, monster design-wise, would have been appreciated.

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I'll make you jsut like perforated cheese?!?!?1 :lol:

I think all Asians secretly dream of being giant robots.
At Quakecon last year they announced a free, browser-based version of Quake 3. It's finally coming to light. I think it's an awesome gesture. Go ID Software! You can register for the beta right now.


Signups for beta are closed. If anyone has a spare beta key, please let me use it. Thanks.