Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

Too bad the actual release will be late 2009 most likely. Most anticipated game fo'sho (slightly ahead of Fallout 3 and Starcraft 2).

I've got Fallout 3 slightly higher on my list, only due to its release being sooner than Diablo 3.

That said, every night since Diablo 3 was announced I've sat at my computer imagining I am playing Diablo 3. I imagine myself, as a Witch Doctor, summoning a fucking wall of zombies. It doesn't get any better than a literal wall of fucking zombies.

I need this game in my hands, or should I say, in my hard drive, NOW!
Too bad the actual release will be late 2009 most likely. Most anticipated game fo'sho (slightly ahead of Fallout 3 and Starcraft 2).
That's OK because that gives us time to save up for another fancy computer so me and the lady can play together.
I really really really hope Fallout 3 will rock, luckily I enjoyed Oblivion as well so no biggie if it borrows shitz from it... Just keep the essentials (turn-based fighting, total freedom and lots of funays)

EDIT: says Hell Mike the Rock'n'Roll Rövhöle, lady J is not lezbö
Sucks for australia... Fallout 3 was given the "not going to be rated", which is the australian boards long term for "Banned".

Wonder which countries will follow suit. Hopefully the US lets it go through with a rated M the first time and doesn't try to push Bethesda to remove shit like the ESRB pushes Rockstar.
Assassin's Creed is a lot of fun.
For about ten-fifteen minutes, then you play those ten-fifteen minutes over and over and over and over again until the game is finished. At elast it's pretty to look at!

My wife bought a Wii a couple of weeks ago. Rock band and a couple of carnival games. It's ok. I'm a little hooked on the bowling and golf.
Wii rocks in my humble opinion. Also get: Excite Truck, Zelda, Mario Kart Wii, Okami, Mario Party, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario. With those you should be set for most occasions where wiiing is involved! Possibly also Resident Evil 4, but I haven't played that one myself yet.
For about ten-fifteen minutes, then you play those ten-fifteen minutes over and over and over and over again until the game is finished. At elast it's pretty to look at!

true. but i have a lot of fun with those games (GTA 28458, Call of Duty, Medal of Honor)
true. but i have a lot of fun with those games (GTA 28458, Call of Duty, Medal of Honor)

Those you mention here are supposedly great. GTA I dunno, but the other two are available for the wii, and FPS games should be great with the hi tek controllers of the future IMO, even though they're not sensitive enough etc it's a great step forward. I've played Metroid Prime III: Corruption for a bit, and that has confirmed my theory. CoD and MoH should be even better..?
Anyone remember the Metal Slug games? They were stand-up arcade cabinets that SNK made... you know, Neo-Geo.

1, 2, 3, and X are the best ones. Some third party retards made 4 and 5, and they are just garbage. I used to have a stand-up Neo-Geo cabinet. Paid fucking $300 for it, what a steal. I had Metal Slug 1 and a few other good games. I also had the Neo-Geo AES home console. $350 for a copy of Metal Slug 3 when it came out. I bought it when I was like 13 or 14.
Anyone remember the Metal Slug games? They were stand-up arcade cabinets that SNK made... you know, Neo-Geo.

1, 2, 3, and X are the best ones. Some third party retards made 4 and 5, and they are just garbage. I used to have a stand-up Neo-Geo cabinet. Paid fucking $300 for it, what a steal. I had Metal Slug 1 and a few other good games. I also had the Neo-Geo AES home console. $350 for a copy of Metal Slug 3 when it came out. I bought it when I was like 13 or 14.

Wii rocks in my humble opinion. Also get: Excite Truck, Zelda, Mario Kart Wii, Okami, Mario Party, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario. With those you should be set for most occasions where wiiing is involved! Possibly also Resident Evil 4, but I haven't played that one myself yet.

Thanks for the info. My wife is dying for Mario Kart. I've been wondering how something like Resident Evil or Manhunt would be on the Wii.
Thanks for the info. My wife is dying for Mario Kart. I've been wondering how something like Resident Evil or Manhunt would be on the Wii.
I do have RE: The Umbrella Chronicles, and I think it's pretty good, but obviously very (much too) linear. It's like one of those arcade-type shooters, you know. Nice if you like that kind of games, and I do on occasion. Depends on who I'm playing with I suppose.

As for the others:
Excite Truck
Action smashed monster truck racing that's real fun, something to play with hairy men in wifebeaters while screaming WHÖÖÖÖ CHECKIDOUT! at every jump and drinking beer.

The Legend of Zelda - The Twilight Princess
Probably the best game for WII so far. If you like earlier Zelda games you'll love this. Possibly the second best one ever (after A Link to the Past), and if you've never played one you better fucking start.

Mario Kart Wii
Has some stupid shit (can't turn off computer opponents when you wanna duel your wife etc), is pretty much as Mario Kart usually is but with funner (is that a word?) steering

Like Zelda but, get this... You're a wolf!

Mario Party
Great when you're four people drinking beer and chatting and listening to heavy metal and need something laidback to do and don't wanna do advanced stuff like trivial pursuit or group sex

Super Mario Galaxy
GREAT GREAT GREAT game, MUST have. Also best while alone gaming I suppose, but it's so great and fun and innovative and well-made and smart that you NEED it.

Super Paper Mario.
Fun 2D platform RPG, takes fifty million years with all the dialogue, especially in the beginning but I enjoyed it.

Also, Guitar Hero is great but I've played it so very little and don't own it. Needs more heavy metal.