Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

J., where's your little girl while you're playing violent video games? Or is she still little enough not to notice?
J., where's your little girl while you're playing violent video games? Or is she still little enough not to notice?

shes only 16 months old. still, if she were old enough she'd be watching me chop off troll heads and impaling bad guys whilst listening to graveland
:erk: You're about to be shocked at the lifestyle changes you're about to make.....unless you're a redneck and actually *want* a dumb, violent child :loco:
Seems to me that every new study contradicts every study before it.

I say just throw the kid into the deep end and hook it up with an internet connection, a modded 360 and the complete works of Max Hardcore.
Didn't studies show there isn't a correlation with violent games/TV?

Yes, but studies are often flawed and can be skewed one way or another.

I think it really boils down to the child's age, and general maturity. Children who are far too young to rationalize are more likely to emulate what they see, with no distinction between what is and isn't reality. That doesn't make them dumb or violent, but they are like other animals after all. Often times they will try and repeat things they see, with no regards to repercussions. Once they reach an age where they can differentiate, I doubt it affects them negatively. (The age would be dependent on the child of course) A child who is violent/mischievous by nature without any external influence however would likely feed off Video Game/TV related violence though, even if only as an excuse, but that tendency already existed to begin with.

Anyways, if you're a stupid, violent human being, you're a stupid, violent human being. What you are exposed to at a young age likely isn't going to change that. Once your brain has matured to the point where you can properly rationalize and make distinctions, what is your excuse? Right.
I think you guys are thinking into this a little too much. Bottom line is educated, intelligent people protect their children from violence and stupidity while rednecks actually subject them to it. It's not a rule, just an observation. I don't worry too much about studies. I just make it a point to avoid playing video games in front of him. And I stand by the notion that if you insist on watching adult-level movies in front of your children, then you get what you deserve when they wake up with nightmares.
The only adverse effect video games have on children is in the form of being a distraction that takes away from studying and exercise. Enroll your kids in Little League and institute some academic discipline, then let them gut somebody with a chainsaw in G.O.W. Shield them from life's goriest pleasures, and they'll end up getting ganked for their milk money. :dopey:
Seems to me that every new study contradicts every study before it.

I say just throw the kid into the deep end and hook it up with an internet connection, a modded 360 and the complete works of Max Hardcore.
yes no.

Violent People will be more violent.

Non-Violent People however: no.
That's what I was refering to.

Yes, but studies are often flawed and can be skewed one way or another.

I think it really boils down to the child's age, and general maturity. Children who are far too young to rationalize are more likely to emulate what they see, with no distinction between what is and isn't reality. That doesn't make them dumb or violent, but they are like other animals after all. Often times they will try and repeat things they see, with no regards to repercussions. Once they reach an age where they can differentiate, I doubt it affects them negatively. (The age would be dependent on the child of course) A child who is violent/mischievous by nature without any external influence however would likely feed off Video Game/TV related violence though, even if only as an excuse, but that tendency already existed to begin with.

Anyways, if you're a stupid, violent human being, you're a stupid, violent human being. What you are exposed to at a young age likely isn't going to change that. Once your brain has matured to the point where you can properly rationalize and make distinctions, what is your excuse? Right.

Yeah, I was excluding little kids. They can be scared by the big bad wolf.
ah, yeah, I wasn't talking about teenagers...just little tykes. They need to remain as innocent as possible. I was referring to rednecks who subject their children to constant trash TV, horror movies, late nights, bad diets, NASCAR, etc.
Teens are different. I have no idea what to say about them.

disclaimer: I was in no way suggesting that J. is a redneck. I was just kidding with him as I'm sure he was kidding about letting his daughter watch him play video games.
So if I, hypothetically, were to drop some money within the next few months building a gaming PC, where the fuck do I start?

How much money and what kinda performance are you looking for?

On the subject of PC gaming, if any of you do it much, GTA 4 on PC? Biggest pile of buggy horse shit ever made. Don't waste your money on it. It seems they took more time implementing the extreme amount of DRM than optimizing and fixing bugs.

What a waste of 50 bucks. Sent an email to steam support seeing if I can get a refund.
Yeah, thats pretty much what I heard too, Imight wait 6 months then download it and see if the patches fixed it. I have a couple friends trying to get their money back from steam as well. Fuck DRM.

As to building a gaming rig: Price-range and performance expectations?

Dual vs Quad Core
9800 vs 260 vs 280
4GB RAM vs+
Overclocking? (if yes: cooling, mobo selection, etc) for example: I bought a 2.6 Ghz Dual Core, because the step up to 3G was large, I can overclock it to 3G quite easily for playing shit like Crysis or what have you.

Do you need new harddrives?
Do you need a new monitor? (if you're doing a massive upgrade: could be)
do you need a new case (does it suck? Do the video cards fit? )
Do you need to buy the OS (or are you capable of pirating and installing Microsuck software yourself?)

Should get you started.
The new Prince of Persia pisses me off. Not in the way that the last few games have (being frustrated over the seemingly impossible task at hand), but due to the games insisting behavior on doing everything only one way. In the last few, you had some freedom to say "hey, you know, maybe I can try and wall jumping to this then running to this and jumping over this and doing that to this guy this time!", but with this new game, everything seems to be "wall run this" or "jump over that".

Also, the story is fucking lame.
Ya, well I bought Ico and Shadow of The Colossus on ebay the other day. Ico is a fucking classic and I haven't played it in years. Looking forward to playing it again.