Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

I fucking hate sports games, always have, always will.
Last one I owned was some baseball game on Sega Genesis that was actually kinda fun

Gimme a game that takes me to another world!!
Gimme a game lets me kill people!!

exactly. they dont realize that the majority of people who own a Xbox 360 just want to shoot some fucking guys. the FPS market is total crap now, seeing as how all of the games are exactly the same (either space marines or real marines shooting the EXACT SAME GUNS IN EVERY GAME). i'd say games like fallout 3 and the new fallout are the future. i want a new and interesting setting, where i can make my own guns, and where when i shoot a guy in the head, his brains/skull/eyeballs visibly explode all over the place. i hate when you blast somebody in the face only to hear a scream and see them fall over. not my idea of fun.

also, if nintendo just kept releasing new 2D/3D mario platform games (like New Super Mario Brothers Wii), then i would be perfectly happy. it would take them 3 days to slap together a new one, and i would love the shit out of it. who gives a fuck about these lame games they have. BRING THE MARIO

alright so i'm done with this
Does anybody play Company of Heroes through Steam? I have CoH and love it but now that they've changed it so you need the disc to play, have to download about 50 fucking patches, and then sign in with Relic Online even to play single player, it's just too much work to get this game up and running. But I'm wondering if it's easier on steam. I assume it auto-updates like all other Steam games so I don't have to worry about the retarded amount of patches. But do I still have to deal with that shitty Relic Online bullshit that never worked?
this game rulz
super mario galaxy 2 <--- this freakin game right here bros
good game
I don't know if I could enjoy that. With the advances in gameplay and realistic graphics these days, I find it hard to enjoy a platform type game.

I ordered Oblivion GOTY edition the other day. I've regretted traded it in ever since I did, and I've yet to play a game I got more enjoyment out of than that one. I'm excited to start it all over again.
I finally ordered a PS3 last night, along with Dragon Age, Oblivion, and Little Big Planet.

I need to spend more time with my inner whatever.
I loved Morrowind, so I'm hoping for good things. As long as I can still kill cat people and take over their houses I'm sure I'll enjoy myself.
Mind boggling that you love Oblivion but hate Fallout3 considering they are essentially the exact same boring game, with Bethesda changing the fantasy to post apocalyptic gunnery... kind of. TO EACH HIS OWN INDEED. I'll take Daggerfall or Morrowind (or Arena) over Oblivion any day.. even after the countless user mods that put it up to a redeemable level!

Probably was us 3 giving the love to Dragon Age yes. Great game.