Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

Modded my HRAP 3 EX:SE (fancy schmancy arcade stick) for pinball simulators such as

Pinball FX2 - xbox360, incredible game
Visual Pinball - actual recreations of pinball tables for PC built using an engine similar to CAD and utilizing real roms from actual tables, all free at 3 Pinball Mod/

About the stick: The stick itself was about $275 stock and with extra buttons, bubbletop, and plugs about $300 all together. A "Pinball Wizard" which is essentially the same thing without an arcade stick/buttons for other games and the ability to be used on different consoles costs $300 + ridiculous shipping. The only difference is the Pinball Wizard has accelerometers which allow you to nudge the unit this emulating a real table nudge. The downside is, they don't work too well and it damages the parts a lot quicker than it would in a sturdy pinball machine. I use the arcade joystick for nudging and it works just fine.

Why?: Being a pinball veteran and enthusiast (soon to be Wizard,) Playing with a controller just wasn't cutting it and neither was sitting down to play. I took the arcade stick I use for fighters and added two buttons on the side. The only difficult part was ensuring the buttons matched up (measurements were a pain for some reason.) and that I found the perfect spot on the slope as to emulate a real table as closely as possible. Wiring was a breeze because I already had two of the buttons fitted with button plugs and the wiring from the PCB taped down. I simply attached some quick disconnects to the wires, drilled a hole through to the main enclosure, and then stripped the wires and joined them. Luckily they were the LB and RB wires so they will play on default controller configurations on all pinball games for 360 (only two are realistic enough for a community to gather around anyways.) Also, using a different view setting in game, tilting the monitor, and placing some non-slip padding on the base of it allows me to stand directly over it like I'm standing over a real cabinet. Sure it's not exactly a 100% legit virtual table (as those cost just as much as a real machine and you have to make them yourself) but it feels absolutely awesome, enough so to even invite people over to play. Considering it's portability I can also drag it wherever I go. I'm a fucking nerd. Oh, and it also works miraculously with Microsoft Game Room and Mame games.

*edit* Don't attempt it on any arcade stick unless you're comfortable with routers/dremels and their potential to melt plastic like crazy. Getting a 30mm hole to be perfect with a dremel takes a lot of experience and using a router/drill combo will usually melt the plastic around it and cause it to fold up. There's a very small margin of error allowed until you ruin the case entirely. What I did for the button was trace out a 30mm hole with a shop pencil (softer lead) and use a tungsten carbide bit and slowly followed the tracing. Initially penetrate the plastic on a low-speed and towards the center (so a jerk won't ruin it,) and turn it up as you proceed to the edges and get comfortable with handling it. Chances are you'll have to cut just a tad larger than the tracing, but too far and the button will fall through.
I want(ed) a HRAP 2 for 3rd Strike, but those shits are rather hard to come by nowadays. Also don't feel like dropping $150 on a stick, when I already dropped two bills on two TE's. I can truly appreciate your nerd post though.
Modded my HRAP 3 EX:SE (fancy schmancy arcade stick) for pinball simulators such as

Pinball FX2 - xbox360, incredible game
Visual Pinball - actual recreations of pinball tables for PC built using an engine similar to CAD and utilizing real roms from actual tables, all free at 3 Pinball Mod/

About the stick: The stick itself was about $275 stock and with extra buttons, bubbletop, and plugs about $300 all together. A "Pinball Wizard" which is essentially the same thing without an arcade stick/buttons for other games and the ability to be used on different consoles costs $300 + ridiculous shipping. The only difference is the Pinball Wizard has accelerometers which allow you to nudge the unit this emulating a real table nudge. The downside is, they don't work too well and it damages the parts a lot quicker than it would in a sturdy pinball machine. I use the arcade joystick for nudging and it works just fine.

Why?: Being a pinball veteran and enthusiast (soon to be Wizard,) Playing with a controller just wasn't cutting it and neither was sitting down to play. I took the arcade stick I use for fighters and added two buttons on the side. The only difficult part was ensuring the buttons matched up (measurements were a pain for some reason.) and that I found the perfect spot on the slope as to emulate a real table as closely as possible. Wiring was a breeze because I already had two of the buttons fitted with button plugs and the wiring from the PCB taped down. I simply attached some quick disconnects to the wires, drilled a hole through to the main enclosure, and then stripped the wires and joined them. Luckily they were the LB and RB wires so they will play on default controller configurations on all pinball games for 360 (only two are realistic enough for a community to gather around anyways.) Also, using a different view setting in game, tilting the monitor, and placing some non-slip padding on the base of it allows me to stand directly over it like I'm standing over a real cabinet. Sure it's not exactly a 100% legit virtual table (as those cost just as much as a real machine and you have to make them yourself) but it feels absolutely awesome, enough so to even invite people over to play. Considering it's portability I can also drag it wherever I go. I'm a fucking nerd. Oh, and it also works miraculously with Microsoft Game Room and Mame games.

*edit* Don't attempt it on any arcade stick unless you're comfortable with routers/dremels and their potential to melt plastic like crazy. Getting a 30mm hole to be perfect with a dremel takes a lot of experience and using a router/drill combo will usually melt the plastic around it and cause it to fold up. There's a very small margin of error allowed until you ruin the case entirely. What I did for the button was trace out a 30mm hole with a shop pencil (softer lead) and use a tungsten carbide bit and slowly followed the tracing. Initially penetrate the plastic on a low-speed and towards the center (so a jerk won't ruin it,) and turn it up as you proceed to the edges and get comfortable with handling it. Chances are you'll have to cut just a tad larger than the tracing, but too far and the button will fall through.

I am impressed by the amazing level of nerddom posted above
I am impressed by the amazing level of nerddom posted above

definitely impressive.

anyway... for some reason, I just played through Half Life 2 for the first time. i was a big fan of the original game (way back when it came out) but i only recently discovered "the orange box"; this is a comp of HL2 and all of its expansions/etc.

it's easily a 9/10 game. the level design is excellent... there are only a few games out there without path finding issues and this is certainly one of them. you can explore and find all sorts of secrets, but the main path is always pretty obvious. the puzzles are the same way. clever and challenging, but never to the point of frustration. basically you have to figure out how to crawl across some rafters or how to move a bunch of boxes to walk across radioactive sewage. cool characters, great combat.

Max, HL2 is an amazing game and G man is a friggin' creep. Also, Jerry, yeah my HRAP3 has a bigger, older, modded brother the HRAP2. Actually, it's not bigger, it's the same fucking case retooled. The only problem with HRAPs that aren't special edition is they come with Hori buttons which have muddy switches and feel awful. To get good use out of them you have to replace the buttons with Sanwa (sensitive jap parts) or Siemitsu (clickier Japanese parts.) I used to go with Sanwa until I found that Siemitsu buttons made me commit more, thus making my button presses more confident. I also like that they come in purple and pink "skeleton" colors and have bubble tops. The sticks come stock with Sanwa JLFs (sticks) regardless so you never have to worry about modding those. Either way, buttons are only like $2.50 a piece (either brand) and button plugs are like $1. Also, since the sticks use quick disconnects, modding is super easy. I will say that I also prefer Siemitsu sticks though. That's why I bought the EX-SE every single thing it came with was Siemitsu... I still replaced the buttons with colors according and replaced the joystick top. I honestly bought it and spent the extra $50 for the black faceplate. The Siemitsu joystick itself is also clickier and has a larger throw but less deadzone than a Sanwa JLF. The real reason I like the HRAPs though is that they follow the EXACT layout of a candy cabinet, which is a common cabinet to find 3rd strike on. Some people prefer what they call the Astro City layout (another Sega cabinet) though because the stick is a tad bit further from the buttons. I'm a little guy though so I like it as is. Also they are heavy bastards which I like. The button plugs are there to keep me from hitting buttons that are probably macros in fighters that only have 6 buttons (90% of them, minus guilty gear an arcsystems games which have 5, SNK games having 4 but an entirely different layout) and the cabinets don't have 8 buttons anyways.

I bought mine explicitly for 3rd strike as well about 6 years ago. 3rd Strike has been my main competitive/tournament game for yeeaaarss, :kickass: that game has literally been my life for almost a decade. I'm forced to play a lot of Super Street Fighter IV now though but I've already pre-ordered Marvel Vs Capcom 3 and I'm close buddies with a guy that's actually the writer for the guide, so I've my team picked out (Taskmaster/Doom/Wesker,) my unblockable setups, and 100% life combos noted before I've even played it.
I bought mine explicitly for 3rd strike as well about 6 years ago. 3rd Strike has been my main competitive/tournament game for yeeaaarss, :kickass: that game has literally been my life for almost a decade. I'm forced to play a lot of Super Street Fighter IV now though but I've already pre-ordered Marvel Vs Capcom 3 and I'm close buddies with a guy that's actually the writer for the guide, so I've my team picked out (Taskmaster/Doom/Wesker,) my unblockable setup,s and 100% life combos noted before I've even played it.

I'm not big on MvC, it's combo/aerial madness. I enjoy SSFIV quite a bit, though the gaming engine doesn't hold a fucking candle to 3rd Strike. When 3OE comes out down the line, then true online fighting will be realized. Who do you main in IV bro? I'm a shitty B with Sakura. :erk: I'm starting to get frustrated, as I don't have 18 hours a day like everyone else to put the required work in to improving her. Rose, Rog, Adon, Cammy, all give me trouble. The shotos don't make me bat an eye. Train Me! :Smokedev:

Only other game I play is Bad Company 2, which I'm fairly competent in.
:lol: @ dorian and lurch. Jerry: I play Abel, Zangief, Balrog, Ryu, Akuma, Sagat, and some C. Viper. My tournament main is Abel, though. Also, yes. When 3s Online comes out, we need to get in some matches. My Yun, Ken, Akuma, and Hugo are all nasty-jap style. Also, Sakura is neat because her combos can look pretty but her normals are kind of lacking except for her crouching light kick and short tatsu/ex tatsu (hurricane kick.) She's usable, she's just not anywhere close to top-tier. If you're not a hardcore player I'd recommend going with someone else, as she takes more effort than a lot of other characters to win with. I don't know what they've done with her since the Arcade release of SSFIV:AE, though.
i tried to skim through the last few Acie posts ... have no freaking idea what you are talking about.
Aurel, you'd really love this Need for Speed game I've been playing. You don't have any kind of game console do you?
:lol: Arcade tech jargon and Street Fighter terms aren't easy on the ears for anyone. Also in rereading, I'm a sad fellow. Very sad fellow. No wonder I've been single for going on a year. I've put more care and effort into my joysticks and hobby than I have any woman I've ever dated.
. My tournament main is Abel, though. Also, yes. When 3s Online comes out, we need to get in some matches. My Yun, Ken, Akuma, and Hugo are all nasty-jap style. Also, Sakura is neat because her combos can look pretty but her normals are kind of lacking except for her crouching light kick and short tatsu/ex tatsu (hurricane kick.) She's usable, she's just not anywhere close to top-tier. If you're not a hardcore player I'd recommend going with someone else, as she takes more effort than a lot of other characters to win with. I don't know what they've done with her since the Arcade release of SSFIV:AE, though.

Her being low-tier is one of her many pleasures. I'm not hardcore in the sense that I want to become tournament worthy. I watched videos of guys such as Uryo who are beasting with elaborate strings. I don't think I'd ever be able to reach that level, nor would I want to, considering the time invested. But this game/series has reached beyond the casual level. This is the only game where I'm training and studying to improve. (Training mode, youtube vids, Sak forum for pointers.) My style is a little unorthodox, as it's a little less tatsu focused than most. My BnB is c.hp to over aggressive assholes (not turtleling mind you), followed with standing forward (overhead kick), as most fucks are inclined to crouch upon reset for reasons unbeknownst to me. I've also grown accustomed to throwing charged hadoken upon my opponents wake up. Shit works 95% of the time, worse case scenario, they block. The damage still chips away to make it all worthwhile. My main offensive BnB is a well strategized jumping fwd fierce in to c.hp or standing hp linked in to a shou'ouken. Tatsus are thrown in intermittently, but I really need to work them in more. I got some stuff that I need to work on that will greatly increase my game. I just need to put some more time in. I've been playing this series casual for 20 years, maining Ryu, really only took it seriously about a year back. Going forward, the only other characters I could see myself maining would be Makoto (I started picking her up, before I dumped her for Oro), or Chun (bitch looks hot in her alt).

Addendum - Sak was considerably buffed in AE. Though, I hope that edition never hits stateside console. To hell with Oni Akuma and Satsui no Hado Ryu.
