Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

Her being low-tier is one of her many pleasures. I'm not hardcore in the sense that I want to become tournament worthy. I watched videos of guys such as Uryo who are beasting with elaborate strings. I don't think I'd ever be able to reach that level, nor would I want to, considering the time invested. But this game/series has reached beyond the casual level. This is the only game where I'm training and studying to improve. (Training mode, youtube vids, Sak forum for pointers.) My style is a little unorthodox, as it's a little less tatsu focused than most. My BnB is c.hp to over aggressive assholes (not turtleling mind you), followed with standing forward (overhead kick), as most fucks are inclined to crouch upon reset for reasons unbeknownst to me. I've also grown accustomed to throwing charged hadoken upon my opponents wake up. Shit works 95% of the time, worse case scenario, they block. The damage still chips away to make it all worthwhile. My main offensive BnB is a well strategized jumping fwd fierce in to c.hp or standing hp linked in to a shou'ouken. Tatsus are thrown in intermittently, but I really need to work them in more. I got some stuff that I need to work on that will greatly increase my game. I just need to put some more time in. I've been playing this series casual for 20 years, maining Ryu, really only took it seriously about a year back. Going forward, the only other characters I could see myself maining would be Makoto (I started picking her up, before I dumped her for Oro), or Chun (bitch looks hot in her alt).

Addendum - Sak was considerably buffed in AE. Though, I hope that edition never hits stateside console. To hell with Oni Akuma and Satsui no Hado Ryu.


Having talked to some people playing AE down in Austin (I haven't driven down yet) Oni and E.Ryu aren't really too hard to handle. As far as your playing though, I couldn't really offer any solid pointers unless I played against you. You've got shoryuken (I've been there since 04) and I know it's a pretty solid reference-point. Although, a lot of players there have zero competitive experience and still like to add in their own useless two cents. I'd say take what you see there with a grain of salt and try to watch A-Cho videos or Denjin Arcade tournaments. One of these days we'll have to get in some matches if you're ever on xboxlive. The only reason I'm not on there constantly is I have to use Hughesnet out here in the woods, on the weekends I can play though. Oh, actually I do have something in regards to that Cr.HP: Be careful against people baiting whiffs. With Abel for example, the second I see you whiff that, it's step-kick mixup/damage time, It has a lot of recovery frames and awkward hitbox. Also her overhead is a bit slow and you really need to make sure you're utilizing the very edge of the hitbox, so stay far away. Also against Abel, make sure they don't have EX meter or they can EX Change of Direction. I suppose you probably lack playing against solid Abels, though. For some reason there aren't that many out there. His EX tornado throw, ex rolls, and even sometimes regular roll will snuff/escape charged hados and I don't recommend reset shenanigans too often against him. Even EX change of direction can put a stop to it. With him it has to be more straight-forward because of his ability to punish and escape. Like I said, I can tell you what to not do against Abel all day, but that's pretty much it outside of fundamental error which I would have to see to aid. Sounds like you have a good base of knowledge and you're not a moron, so you should be fine there. As far as 3s goes, I literally know every frame of animation in that game from startup, active, to recovery :lol: So I can definitely help you out there, if for some reason you ever need it. Woo, I can't wait for it to be released on xbla. Ah, I also forgot to mention, AE is coming out as DLC for xbl and psn.

wow this is i think in the top 5 nerdiest conversations i've ever witnessed on the internet, and that's something coming from me
Do you usually play in ranked, team, or endless battle? I wouldn't mind joining an endless battle with you. PM me your screen name nignog, I'll get around to adding you sometime this week. The account I use is my brother's, so unless the activity says "SSFIV", it's him. I haven't come across many competent Abels, no. Not to say that I haven't lost to quite a many mediocre ones. He packs a wallop, and until last week, I didn't know how easy it was to counter his fwd roll with a throw. I've been owning him ever since. Though, I'm sure you wouldn't take more than one throw before you adapted your game. You're the hardcore fight nerd I fear and respect. As for, there's a lot of knowledge to be had, but you have to sift through the mire to find it. So many dolts saying match up A is the hardest for character B, when it's all a walk in the park. The only character that really gives me trouble, not based on my lack of experience against them, but due to tier/match up ratio is Rose. This big tittied gypsy bitch walks all over me. I have few tools against her. I've faced off against decent Roses as Dictator and had no problem.

Back to Sak, the combo I really need to make as my BnB is cr.MK in to Sho. You need hair trigger precision though, a split second too late, opponent blocks, punishment ensues.
EXCELLENT GAME, you will love it if you loved the old SNES DKCs. get ready for it to somehow be even harder than the originals.

that's cool, the old dkc games aren't very hard and those who think they are are kinda wimpy (except the hidden world in dkc2 which was a bitch iirc) :danceboy:

got dkrc yesterday, am playing it for the first time tonight 8)
Welp, pulled out the old Dreamcast. A ribbon came unplugged so I had to take the damn thing apart.I thought it was broken initially; it realllly pissed me off. I actually got it for free awhile back for fixing another one. They both had blown resistors on the controller ports where ps2 arcade stick converters had put one volt too many through, so I just soldered in 10ohm resistors (as opposed to the stock 7ohm) and went ahead and added a blue led to it! Time to reeve some souls. :kickass:

It uses the same parts as every other stick, so I'd imagine it's the same as every other stick with arcade quality components. I will say, the viewlix layout is funky. I'm much more partial to the candycab layout. Also, it was a little over $300 to get my hrap ex:se and switch to buttons of my liking ($275 stock) so I'd rather pay $300 all together for a modded stick with a better layout than something like that.
I hear ye. I'm going to stick with the TE, and piss away $300 on something of greater value, such as kick ass music. The drawback with the VLX is that it's meant as a table top stick. I'm a floor player. It's a thing of beauty though.
that's cool, the old dkc games aren't very hard and those who think they are are kinda wimpy (except the hidden world in dkc2 which was a bitch iirc) :danceboy:

got dkrc yesterday, am playing it for the first time tonight 8)

here's some things i have to say about dkcr

* IT'S HARD AS SHIT. it's hard. as fucking shit. i lost something like 20 lives on the world 3 boss and i'm usually pretty good at games like this. i cannot fathom how it is even possible to do the time trial thing for level 1-1. not even the fucking silver medal.

* THE CONTROLS SUCK. it is unforgivable that you have to waggle the fucking remote to roll. totally fucks up my flooow. motion controls are shit for games like this. also he turns around and ducks too slowly. analog sticks are ALSO shit for games like this. let me use my fucking gamecube controllers, stop pretending that this waggle shit works because it does not

For those of you who have played Super Meatboy!: I'm sure you've noticed that the Warp Zone levels have music that correspond to the world they're in... Well, they actually mix perfectly and I've taken the liberty of layering them on top of one another. Enjoy! Chapter 1 + Warp Zone - Forest Funk (combined) Chapter 2 + Warp Zone - Betus Blues (combined) Chapter 4 + Warp Zone - Hot Damned (combined) Chapter 5 + Warp Zone - It Ends (combined)

I did not mix Chapter 3 as it sounds awful minus a few parts. Either way :kickass: Such a good game soundtrack.
here's some things i have to say about dkcr

* IT'S HARD AS SHIT. it's hard. as fucking shit. i lost something like 20 lives on the world 3 boss and i'm usually pretty good at games like this. i cannot fathom how it is even possible to do the time trial thing for level 1-1. not even the fucking silver medal.

* THE CONTROLS SUCK. it is unforgivable that you have to waggle the fucking remote to roll. totally fucks up my flooow. motion controls are shit for games like this. also he turns around and ducks too slowly. analog sticks are ALSO shit for games like this. let me use my fucking gamecube controllers, stop pretending that this waggle shit works because it does not


yeah i dont see why they have to bring the whole motion-sensor gimmick into EVERY fucking game that's for the wii. it's okay, nintendo... you are allowed to just have a regular game. and yes- i warned you. impossibly hard at some times. its just one of those games that you have to play until you could actually draw a perfect map of any level (with enemies) in your sleep.