Ok, since i decided to paint what im picturing in my mind when i hear Hermod's ride to Hel, there is some details i need to be clarified because i want to do something near to 'reality'. As i am not (yet) historian, ill ask you lol
Where can i find descriptions of Nifelheim, Rivenjoll, Hel, Hel's hall, Hermod, Balder? i know what look like Sleipnir hehe so no need to describe it
All i know about Nifelheim is it is to the north part of Ginnungagap, and is the land of the dead, death out of combat that is. there is 11 rivers pouring from Hvergelmir, i guess one of then is Rivenjoll. Hel is ruling there, shes Loki's monstrous daughter. but isnt it a place too? Hel a region of Nifelheim and Hel the person who live there? Anyway i dont know what its all look like if there is particularities, a specific color for the castle if there is even one, but as AA song is talking of bridge and gates, i guess there is some sort of fortifications. and as everything is freezing, would the main color be blue? i imagine it quite dark so, black ice maybe? and freezed blood..
As for Hel herself, she is said to be very ugly and i searched for some imagery of her from artists.. i saw a few with half her face young and the other old and decrepit.. what can you tell me about this please? and what is she wearing? is she in battlegear? robes ? color? what about her hair? what specefic symbols from her? on one of the picture i saw of her, there had serpents, is it justified?
I have an illustration of a medieval version of the Eddas showing Balder being pierced by Hod with the mistletoe, Loki hiding behind.. but... the characters have their name writen on them on the picture, so without that detail, it wouldnt have been as possible to find whos on the picture whitout the names.. i mean, there is no symbols to find out who is who.. so how recognize Balder at sight? and Hermod in the same time?
thats all i can think of right now. will be working onsome sketchs now

thanks for all help ^^