This is the description of Baldr from the Gylfaginning ("Beguiling of Gylfi") of the Prose Edda. It is very apt. The "herb" is the common Aster. Another name for Aster is "Baldr's Brow." (Hildegard Friend, Flower Lore).On Baldr:
Hárr said, "The second son of Odin is Baldr, and good things are to be said of him. He is best, and all praise him; he is so fair of feature, and so bright, that light shines from him. A certain herb is so white that it is likened to Baldr's brow; of all grasses it is whitest, and by it thou mayest judge his fairness, both in hair and in body."
No, it's not vague - you need a horse like Sleipner to jump in or out. Only Odin has such a horse, and he doesn't lend him out to just anyone. Therefore, once you're in Hel, you can't just change your mind and go back out again, just like that, or Hermod (or anyone at all for that matter) could have gone down there with just any old horse and retreived whoever they felt like. The story shows that you, as a regular human, cannot just "go to Hel" and fetch back a dead friend. Once you're dead, you're dead - unless you have the help of a God with as much power as Odin... There is a distinction between you and a God.
When we are on the subject of beastiality. What about the runes with well-hung viking warriors fucking horses? I have a hard time finding anything on this strangely intriguing subject. I think that in their culture that was viewd as a very manly act, as it takes quite a man indeed to fuck a horse.
How did it even work? I'm 186 and I'm certainly not tall enough to fuck a horse, and people where shorter back then. I need some fresh air.
Vive la Beyond Canada (BC) - we have S-N-O-W. Buttloads of it. Took my kids tobbagganing in the sun. It was steep, it was fast and they loved every second of it. So did I. I have bruises everywhere. The only thing missing was Uncle Johan, who is as bad of a speed demon as his sister, and who is also the apple of his youngest niece's eye. You ain't seen nuttin until you've seen the two of them on a rollercoaster (Leia screaming from the thrill and Johan holding on to her so tight his knuckles are turning white so she won't fall out).
Wanna talk about retarded drivers? We even had a helicopter land ON THE FREEWAY cuz he couldn't handle the snow last week. They close the school when there's like 5 inches of white for fear that someone's gunna kill their kids on the way to school. Seriously! These people would last 1/2 an hour in Sweden before they'd be flat and frozen to death. They don't even know how to dress for f***s sake!
Runesinger can tell you how well this weather has gone over in Washington...apparently not very well.