Viking mythology and all that goes with it

Vive la Beyond Canada (BC) - we have S-N-O-W. Buttloads of it. Took my kids tobbagganing in the sun. It was steep, it was fast and they loved every second of it. So did I. I have bruises everywhere. The only thing missing was Uncle Johan, who is as bad of a speed demon as his sister, and who is also the apple of his youngest niece's eye. You ain't seen nuttin until you've seen the two of them on a rollercoaster (Leia screaming from the thrill and Johan holding on to her so tight his knuckles are turning white so she won't fall out).

Wanna talk about retarded drivers? We even had a helicopter land ON THE FREEWAY cuz he couldn't handle the snow last week. They close the school when there's like 5 inches of white for fear that someone's gunna kill their kids on the way to school. Seriously! These people would last 1/2 an hour in Sweden before they'd be flat and frozen to death. They don't even know how to dress for f***s sake!
Runesinger can tell you how well this weather has gone over in Washington...apparently not very well.

I wish we had snow... we've got this re-frozen frozen rain crap that, while it kinda looks like snow, is more like really cold and slick concrete.

Your Wednesday sounds likes my Friday, Rune. It took me almost 2 hours to go 10 miles to a call. And of course, as soon as I get there, I get a message from the office telling all of us to go home, they don't want us wrecking the company cars. Got to see a cruiser and a firetruck go off the road, however.... and it wasn't even icy yet! On the upside, two months of Fimbulvetr and 90% of the idiots in the world will eliminate themselves... or one can hope, anyway. Or maybe not Fimbulvetr, and just a small, short term Ice Age.

Sledding... I think my kids have forgotten what that is, living here. I'm sure watching Johan tear down a slope with a small child in his lap probably scares off half the people, hehe. I miss sledding out on to the pond at home... doesn't even stay cold enough here for much of anything to freeze, it seems.
I actually had people stop me at the fairground and ask me if I was "with them"... That about says it all.

Runesinger, I think it's more like a Jack Spratt and his wife thing with us. You're strong in the parts that I am weak in, and I'm good at the stuff you're not 100% in. So we compliment each other.
In Quebec there is absolutely no problem with driving with snow, at 4am if there had snow during the night, the trucks are always there to clear ALL the roads in time for traffic at 6/7 am. in the end of november ppl change their car's wheels for winter wheels and switch back in approx april/mai. But all this doent have any meaning if there is no snow. PPl seems to be sicker since there is nothing to crush the dust that goes invariably in the air...
lol.. we are so used of having snow.

LOL and im telling that.. just got a message from a friend on msn, telling exactly : its snowing!
and yes it is! =D not big snow flakes but that will do... for now lol
lets just hope it wont melt like the... 4-5 previous times this month (we got nothing on december)

Tyra, isnt rare to have snow in BC since its more temperated climate with the ocean ? i heard winter was quit confortable in BC ??
Saturday is named for Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture (? That's what the entry says, but that doesn't seem right to me. He was more along the lines of Ymir if I recall my Roman mythology correctly). But to the Vikings, it was called "Bath Day". :)
Monday is Moon's day, Tuesday is Tiwaz's (Tyr's) day, Wednesday is Woden's (Oden's) day, Thursday is Thor's Day, Friday is either Frige's (Either Frejya or Frigga) Day. And Sunday is pretty damn obvious :p
Or you could just go with the German name, which means "The Day Before Sunday".

They were cleaner then the Anglo-Saxons...
From Wikipedia
The Vikings in England even had a particular reputation for excessive cleanliness, due to their custom of bathing once a week, on Saturdays (unlike the local Anglo-Saxons). To this day, Saturday is referred to as laugardagur/laurdag/lørdag/lördag "washing day" in the Scandinavian languages, though the original meaning is lost in modern speech in most of the Scandinavian languages ("laug" still means "bath" or "pool" in Icelandic).
in french it goes like this: lundi for lune (moon), mardi for Mars, mercredi for mercure (mercury), jeudi for Jupiter, vendredi for Vénus, Samedi for Saturn and dimanche for the sun.. even if it have no link as the others..
Sorry if this has been asked before but does the spelling of Oden depend on the country? Amon Amarth and Bathory are from Sweden if I'm correct and they spell it Oden, but I've seen other people spell it Odin
Yeah, it basically comes down to the differing dialects of Old Norse. Most of the writings that tell of that stuff were written in Iceland, which spoke a dialect of Old Norse different then the Swedish people did. And, well, maybe we'll get lucky and Tyra can give us the dialect lecture, or point out where she gave it before. Actaully, if you search this thread, you should be able to find it. I think. This thing is a monstrosity. :)
and i have another question about Hel, was starting a 'serious' sketch for the painting but then i was wondering.. what is hel's hall made from? what does it look like? is there any sort of desciption of it in the Eddas or some place else? Since its a realm of ice maybe its made of ice? or stone?
and i was also wondering.. is there any light at all in Nifelheim? or is it just pitch black? can we see the deads as corporeal or ghost-like?
thank you again for answering me :)