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Viking Bastard
It was a great movie. Not accurate at all though. But they did a superb job with Grendel, if you see it in 3-D like I did he will scare the shit out of you when he first comes on.
It was a great movie. Not accurate at all though. But they did a superb job with Grendel, if you see it in 3-D like I did he will scare the shit out of you when he first comes on.
A few days ago, i finally had enough time to borrow a book at the city library for pass times. Out of curiosité, i checked if the library hold any book about the viking era and i happilly found some. I took one from an historian or linguist, i dont know how you want to call him, which name is Regis Boyer and how i understand it hes one of the biggest historian of the viking era... seems he participated in establishing a scandinavian program study at the Sorbonne, etc...
I would be interrested in knowing your insight about him and his researches if you have read any of it already.
Anyway for now, the program at the Sorbonne seems really interresting... but i havent checked the fees yet, might explain![]()
i agree with you so far. thats the feeling i have reading the book, but its not him that wrote it, although he is the man behind it. Its Les Vikings, premiers Européens VIIIe-XIe siècle, les nouvelles découvertes de l'archéologie (The Vikings, first Europeans, VIIIe-XIe century, the last archeological discoveries)he doesn't praise the Vikings like a 12 year old wanabe, but he does his best to rectify their image and show their true importance and what they brought to the world, without exagerating.
LOL id be glad to celebrate my return to the homeland!although my 2 weeks in France this summer were like a dream, i dont know if i could live there as culturally confortable as i am here.
When i was much much younger i used to hope to study at Sorbonne... seems theres a possibility here! but going directly to Sweden is as much interresting...! Anyway, im gonna finish my diploma here in Quebec, wouldnt it be easier after that to enter another university?^^
i agree with you so far. thats the feeling i have reading the book, but its not him that wrote it, although he is the man behind it. Its Les Vikings, premiers Européens VIIIe-XIe siècle, les nouvelles découvertes de l'archéologie (The Vikings, first Europeans, VIIIe-XIe century, the last archeological discoveries)
It really is interresting, so far ive read 3 or 4 articles about how Viking Age came, the rune stones in Danemark, the snekkja, and theres several more ^^
eh, they had someone else tag along with them. Tyr, I think.