Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

*points up* Finally some real men....guys I work with are like no big its like well fuck yall to I hate skinny rednecks..

Skinny girls can be nice to look at, but gimme some fat on a woman when I'm to handle her :lol:

I'm a bit skinny too, and two skinny persons are just grinding bones in bed :p

And boobs, yes please!
I like em better when real though :cool:
shes in canada

shes so fucking easy as well i told her show boobs and she did, without any effort

i know you're drunk, but don't fall for her, she has 4 kids!

dude, it's 10 am, I'm not drunk now :rolleyes:

I was when I got to bed at 2, and I certainly have enough alcohol in me to not be driving any time soon, but I wouldn't call me drunk atm :p

And I don't see the problem with kids, really don't...
Skinny girls can be nice to look at, but gimme some fat on a woman when I'm to handle her :lol:

I'm a bit skinny too, and two skinny persons are just grinding bones in bed :p

And boobs, yes please!
I like em better when real though :cool:

YEs I wont complain boobs have gotten me more then my fair share of beer *loves the show your boobs for beer signs at concerts here*
you know what im actually looking forward for it now, do it, add her!

well my young apprentice, I won't do that ;)
I just won't build up a relationship with someone I've nver before heard of, especielly not when there's a huge pound of water in between us, just becasue she likes to flash her boob.s

Sorry if I dissapoint you :p
I need to get me some boobs of my own so I can get free beer too...

Never saw a sign "show dick for beer", guess they'd get ruined fast enough...

I dunno I would prolly buy a guy a few rounds for that :p

Infact just for you show I am goin to is Rockstar Mayhem Tour in August...I will make that sign and tell you the results :D
I dunno I would prolly buy a guy a few rounds for that :p

Should try it, at least over here I think it'd work fine :D

At least at the more boozy events as festivals and such.
I'd do it of course, but most likely not when completely sober :p

Ah the good old times at WOA 2003 when I was learning my German useful phrases, such as (spelling?) "hast du haare an dein Muschi? Ich hab kein haare an meine Glocken"
And now I want beer... wouldnt it be nice if there was a fridge that like every 30min or so just produced a random 6 pack fuck I would let that bitch sit for days and stock up...
And now I want beer... wouldnt it be nice if there was a fridge that like every 30min or so just produced a random 6 pack fuck I would let that bitch sit for days and stock up...

I've got 2 beer fridges at home :D

Filled with home brewed beers, beers to be rated and just nice ones to be drunk whenever.
And some that needs to be saved for special occasions of course.
Should try it, at least over here I think it'd work fine :D

At least at the more boozy events as festivals and such.
I'd do it of course, but most likely not when completely sober :p

Ah the good old times at WOA 2003 when I was learning my German useful phrases, such as (spelling?) "hast du haare an dein Muschi? Ich hab kein haare an meine Glocken"

The best phrase i ever learned and much needed in some parts of Texas...." Uno cerveza por favor" Only problem is i never learned to ask where the bathroom was...