Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

Wow, good man there.

Speaking of drinking...
We drank some Faxe was extra strong. 10%
Really bitter beer, and good!! Nummers!
I want good beer...I have to settle for imports though. Sad though when i have to choose between Marlboros or Heineken...think I will wish for cheaper smokes to.

And he is a good man...I love him like a little brother.
I think this would require a long explanation on my part that I can't find the time for atm while at work :p

But in short, I was trying to display some sort of hint towards
"don't judge ppl before you get to know them and above all don't judge ppl from their looks and general appearance" ;)

Of any ppl, I think metal ppl should know this :D

Oh, that's very true, I have been guilty of holding "insta grudges" with people, maybe because if they are girls and wear too much makeup, or if they have an essex accent kinda thing, but that refers to complete strangers who pushed me out of the way to order their damn bacardi breezers at the bar.

When meeting a prospective partner/friend it's different. Being a metaller when I am introduced to someone looks is the last thing I consider. Being a bit of an animal I smell their bums first. :lol: I should have said people often get the wrong first impression of me.

But what I did mean about lowering your expectations too drastically is don't ever send desperate signs. Be open minded, sure, but don't be desperate because you will realise you sold yourself short to someone who treats you like crap. Took me 3 years to realise. And then I had to change my phone number.
Not only do you need to go to Sweden, you also need to find the right place, convince them you're worthy and pay a shit load of money for it ;)

Coming to think of it--- I have an idea...

Wow!! Other girls have to actually lift their shirt for free beers??????
They are doing it wrong :heh:

Dammit, would that not work? I already promised my firstborn to the last person who got me a bottle of Txakoli wine, so no boobies and no babies accepted as credit? What is the world coming to?
Meh I am 33 and still not paying for drinks
Of course I do have big boobs, they stick out without me lifting my shirt.
I also look like I am in my mid 20's

Mmmm you look ten years younger than you are and you have big perky boobs.. I would be careful. Otherwise someone may come looking for your blood to bathe in and get your looks. I think the virginity issue would be irrelevant. (Try finding a virgin in this day and age, you may succeed but they hardly have any blood in them)
I have thought about that...but I cant even make macaroni and cheese without fuckin somethin up...dont even want to think of what I could do to beer...

Im a-bottling today!!!

Washing and sterilising all those bottles is a royal pain in the arse though, the brewing itself was relatively simple.

I liked giving myself a CO2 whiff from the tun earlier on. I like the way it makes the inside of your nose itch and your eyes water. Whenever I visit a whisky distillery I am always opening the little hatches and smelling the fermentation. On an industrial scale it hits you like a hammer.
Mmmm you look ten years younger than you are and you have big perky boobs.. I would be careful. Otherwise someone may come looking for your blood to bathe in and get your looks. I think the virginity issue would be irrelevant. (Try finding a virgin in this day and age, you may succeed but they hardly have any blood in them)

Rofl, I am in Germany...I had better start being more careful! :erk:
Then again they would need to get past Alex, my boobs are his "funbags" :lol::lol:
Im a-bottling today!!!

Washing and sterilising all those bottles is a royal pain in the arse though, the brewing itself was relatively simple.

I liked giving myself a CO2 whiff from the tun earlier on. I like the way it makes the inside of your nose itch and your eyes water. Whenever I visit a whisky distillery I am always opening the little hatches and smelling the fermentation. On an industrial scale it hits you like a hammer.

The first time is the hardest.
Now each time you're finished with a bottle, just rinse it well, leave it with water over night and turn upsidedown after to dry.

Store upsidedown until you have enough to fill your oven, load it in there, get the temp up to about 130 C and then leave for another 20 to 30 minutes, turn off and let cool down.

Sanitized bottles ready for use :)
Store once more upside down or with aluminium foil over top.
Ok I gotta do you do that....

Easymode answering...
Marlboro type tobacco
The one I prefer

Don't mind the "pipe tobacco" thing. April 1st, the federal tax on cigarette tobacco went from ~$1.50/lb to ~$24/lb... but pipe tobacco went from ~$1.25/lb to ~$3/lb.
Best advice would be to find a local tobacconist... I'm sure they still have those in Texas. ;)
Easymode answering...
Marlboro type tobacco
The one I prefer

Don't mind the "pipe tobacco" thing. April 1st, the federal tax on cigarette tobacco went from ~$1.50/lb to ~$24/lb... but pipe tobacco went from ~$1.25/lb to ~$3/lb.
Best advice would be to find a local tobacconist... I'm sure they still have those in Texas. ;)

Oh yes I know right where I am goin payday..had been thinkin bou t rollin my own...but yeah I remember all the looks rollin in the break room at work...