Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

Well, if you only have the name tag, that is not too bad. But when I was working in Eurodisney, and I had the nametag and the pink southern belle costume on, they still asked the same bloody question.:loco:

cept the nametag has the store name on it....and it was the same thing when they made us wear them ugly ass uniform vests to...
taxation is a very hard concept to get a grasp on. if i knew more about the taxation system used in your country i'd offer assistance. the Aussie tax system is one of the most complex in the world. scaryyyyyyyyyyy!

I much prefer Antigua's tax reigme for IBCs. :D
The "awferfucksake!" moment with the taxman yesterday was not because of what they charge me (I understand, death and taxes, comes to everybody, nothing you can do about it) but because of their lack of logic.

I have been filling their forms for years (in all their incarnations), I am registered to vote here and just applied for a marriage license and the guy I spoke to on the phone yesterday said... Ah so you live here? :yow:

:guh::guh::guh:No, you dumbass, I just come for the taxes. :guh::guh::guh:

That;s a good image for later. :Smokedev:

I think they were cast-offs from "Its a small world" because there were too camp.

Talking about "it's a small world"... they had spare dollies on top of the lockers in the changing rooms. Walk into the dark changing room and seeing all those beady eyes and fixed grins creeped the hell out of me when I had the late shift.
Exercising too late in the day? Coffee too late in the day? Change in routine?

I ticked all three boxes, I think you will see me here for a while yet.

Too much rest?
Haven't done crap since I got sick Sunday, still sick and can't do much else than sitting in front of the computer now and then to rest my back from the couch.
Don't sleep during the day though.
I;m really ticked off. I failed my UK driving test and cannot sit another one till July :Shedevil: I could potentially go somewhere else where they have a shorter waiting list, but that would be an hour's train or bus ride... :erk::erk::erk:
Driving on the wrong side of the road is just...
don't do it :p

I don't think they are about to conform, they come in hives when someone mentions getting something as simple as identity cards. They prefer to carry three utility bills with them at all times to prove who they are and where they live. :loco::loco:

You've got to love them, otherwise you'd hate them with a passion. :D
OK, just through google crap translator then:

Wreck in Lake Vänern could be Viking ship
A wreck found in Lake Vänern bottom can be a Viking ship.
- It would be the first wrecked Viking ship found in Sweden, "says marine archaeologist Roland Peterson.

The 20 meter long wreck lies in Lurö archipelago, state local media.
- We will not deduct for large bills at this, but all the dimensions are fairly typical of the Viking era. We have also salvaged a sword-like objects and a cutting edge and it is very unusual to find such findings in shipwrecks, "said Roland Peterson, who works at the Lake Vänern Museum, to TT.

Finding was made by chance on Wednesday. Coast Guard, which works with Lake Vänern Museum to locate wreckage and navigate the wrong and dived right down on the alleged Viking ship.
Where is it at least a meter nedsjunket in the bottom sediment with one side pillars postponement. The ship is clinker built, with the side that goes WRAP.
- Within a hundred meters from the ship is further six wrecks, and we will investigate if they are of the same type. Three of them are near each other, "said Roland Peterson.

To date the ship's age is now träprover. Iron objects are sent to experts for age determination. According to Roland Peterson, it can take up to a month.
Vikingatiden called in the Nordic region's history iron age terminally between about 800 and 1050 after the birth of Christ.