Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

Saturday Oct 3 is
Gothenburg Deathfest
Carnal Decay (Swizterland)
Chronic Torment
Covenance (USA)
Despondency (Germany)
Inhuman Deformity
Rottenness (Mexico)

Got a ticket for Saturday, one song per band is available here:

sucks that their beer selection will make me cry, but then again, life can't be all good :rolleyes:
Don't worry Amon..... There's hope 4u
We (husband and i) workout 3 times a week. When he first started 3 years ago he lost 8 kilos in 4 months!!! And without diet ;o)
Just been for a quick beer at the bar. It was orkney Skull Splitter: 8.5%. And I had the comfy seat next to the fire, where I chilled after being in work since 8.45 am (that was 10.30 pm)

I fell asleep, can you blame me???
Haha Ahmed, what happened to all the "I love my belly it's metal" stuff?

my goal is to be 100 kilos! id still have my belly and on the other hand every muscle on my body would be awaken and not sleeping! so be fit while you're fat is better than being fat and lazy :D

and my family has lots of diseases (diabetes, blood pressure). so being fat will raise the odds of getting those
Just been for a quick beer at the bar. It was orkney Skull Splitter: 8.5%. And I had the comfy seat next to the fire, where I chilled after being in work since 8.45 am (that was 10.30 pm)

I fell asleep, can you blame me???

No I can't that sounds comfy, warm belly from the beer, warm fireplace for the bones! Did you drool?

my goal is to be 100 kilos!

Stay off the scale, muscle weighs more than fat. Exercise and eating better foods is the best way to loose the weight and KEEP it off. Being healthy is a lifestyle change, not a sudden quick change. Diets do and don't work. They do if you want to loose a quick 10kilos and don't mind gaining it back in a month. Lifestyle change takes longer, but it will keep the weight off for life if you stick too it :)

should i shave or not? Vote yes or no!
Maybe instead of shaving it all the way off, you should trim it up. Right now it looks really scraggly. Possibly if you trim it, it would grow nicer. I really have no idea. Us girls don't have to worry about these things.
So I seem to have caught this new bug going around work. Combination of Broncitis and the flu. Think they should have included a little strep throat in there and covered everything..