Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

People that dont respect that some people work nights,and wake me up being noisey as fuck after i been asleep for 2hrs really piss me off. Oh and 32 hours and counting without a cigarette :)
Ah, so you are married. Did not know that. Moltes felicitats!! Could you post a picture?

Not catalan! 1/4 Basque, 1//4 Asturian, 1/2 Aragonese!

Anyways, that's how the cake maker saw me:


Real pictures in own pictures :)
Amused at how badly English people cope wth snow... When I suggested that they just need to put their snowchains in the boot I was told hardly anyone owns them!!!

I thought they were a requirement in those countries where it's not bad enough to justify putting special tyres on!
I can probably count on one hand the number of people I know, English, Canadian or otherwise who actually own snowchains....around here most people just have traction aids which are made of metal and fold up...course those are only useful once you are stuck XD. They would make a pretty awesomely dangerous weapon though lol. Although I guess all that may change as last year they made snow tires a legal requirement in Quebec between december 15th and sometime in march or april...
I live in the Highlands of Scotland and never even heard of snow chains for regular vehicles let alone known anyone who has them. UK get's all sorts of weather and the people can't cope with any of it, always "too hot" "too cold" "too Wet", never happy.
I live in the Highlands of Scotland and never even heard of snow chains for regular vehicles let alone known anyone who has them. UK get's all sorts of weather and the people can't cope with any of it, always "too hot" "too cold" "too Wet", never happy.

"Is beag a ghearaineas sinn, ge mór a dh'fhuilingeas sinn" (Little do we complain, although we suffer much)

Hey, at least Highland folk get snow and cope with it, it is the English whiners who amuse me. 2 inches of snow and they have to import grit from Spain- Forecast in the UK has "severe weather warnings" for Kent (2 inches of Snow) half of Scotland is sealed in, but hey, if it does not happen in a densely populated area, we don't care!

In Spain it would be like "We recommend you put your chains in the boot. We warned you- if you still get stuck in the snow because you don't own a set or can't set them properly it's your own bloody fault"
Been digging people out of the snow all morning! Just hasn't stopped for over 2 days now. Well over a foot deep and quite a bit deeper in some places around me.
Been digging people out of the snow all morning! Just hasn't stopped for over 2 days now. Well over a foot deep and quite a bit deeper in some places around me.
LOL, whole country is in distress here. Only few trains, planes delayed, slippery roads etc. etc. In the eastern part has fallen about 70cm. (that's what i heard), here in the western part only 20cm.
I'm dreaming of a white........