Ah, so you are married. Did not know that. Moltes felicitats!! Could you post a picture?
Oh and 32 hours and counting without a cigarette![]()
I live in the Highlands of Scotland and never even heard of snow chains for regular vehicles let alone known anyone who has them. UK get's all sorts of weather and the people can't cope with any of it, always "too hot" "too cold" "too Wet", never happy.
All asian pussies look the same, hairy and censored.
LOL, whole country is in distress here. Only few trains, planes delayed, slippery roads etc. etc. In the eastern part has fallen about 70cm. (that's what i heard), here in the western part only 20cm.Been digging people out of the snow all morning! Just hasn't stopped for over 2 days now. Well over a foot deep and quite a bit deeper in some places around me.