Vortex to do Guest Vocals on New Borknagar Album

A UM frien(no one here) said he sounded good the first time he seen him with Dimmu but said not so good on the latest tour, like he was disnterested or something. Of course this is a friend who posts in GMD and not here.
the video that was posted was from their 1998/1999 tour, and most of us (including me) haven't seen him back then. he probably improved his live singing capabilities over the years, that's why most people who have seen him more recent with Arcturus and Dimmu Borgir say he was doing a great job. if anyone saw him live recently AND almost a decade ago, you can make a comparison.
I saw him live and he sounded perfect.


Only problem is that with Dimmu he layers the vocals, so when he sings live he usually goes for the lower pitched layers, so they don't sound as epic. That's understandable since his solos in Dimmu in studio are higher than are usually comfortable.
Azzor1911 said:
the video that was posted was from their 1998/1999 tour, and most of us (including me) haven't seen him back then. he probably improved his live singing capabilities over the years, that's why most people who have seen him more recent with Arcturus and Dimmu Borgir say he was doing a great job. if anyone saw him live recently AND almost a decade ago, you can make a comparison.

I posted that video here as a joke. See the video comments, I said:

"this was 10 years ago... I'm not justifying Simen, but now he sings really great, better than before, plus we don't know was the fuck happened, maybe his voice was fucked up before and the sang on that state.. we will never know.

BTW this is the only live video when vortex sucks and yep, he really sucks here."

A UM frien(no one here) said he sounded good the first time he seen him with Dimmu but said not so good on the latest tour, like he was disnterested or something. Of course this is a friend who posts in GMD and not here.

Maybe he's tired. Dimmu tours are very long. A friend from Italy (Gawen from UM) saw Dimmu with Amon Amarth. He talked with Simen and he said he was tired as hell, day after day playing and singin... he was reaching his limits. When you are singin for so song time, travelling, drinkin, sleepin just a few hours, etx you can ask for an excellent show all the time. Maybe Simen sings the lower voices cause he's worried about his voice. At least on that way he can sing well on all ocasions intead to sing really good on one show and bad on another one.

Only problem is that with Dimmu he layers the vocals, so when he sings live he usually goes for the lower pitched layers, so they don't sound as epic. That's understandable since his solos in Dimmu in studio are higher than are usually comfortable.

I think he sounds better live than on CD. Listen to the studio version of Kings of the Carnival Creations then listen to the bootleg version from Live at Inferno. Big difference.

sorry for the extreme delay. i am as frustrated as you are. long story short, i had to wipe my computer and it took forever to reconstitute it. i still havnt gotten microsoft office yet. i got a new copy to try today though. i shall attempt an install shortly.

but the sound file has been converted to mp3 (though at a very low volume for some reason). so all i have to do is transcribe it and post it. we will also be posting the actual sound as well (once i can get deron to host it). so you can hear ICS Vortex answers and hear my goofy voice ask the questions.

i know its hard, but you have to wait a little longer. i feel horrible for not posting it sooner. but i havnt had a choice. ive also got cd reviews to post as well, but this is gonna happen first. cuz lets face it. this is more important than the new soilent green album
yes! this copy worked. i'll start working on it today

edit: halfway done transcribing. fuck its hard. he kinda mumbles a bit, and i cant figure out whether to clean it up or just type it as it comes out.
Take your time, gR. The fans here are too skeptical to accept a mumbled transcription. And I apologize for blowing the whistle on some of the potential content with this thread.
lol. well. as it stands right now. its rather quiet. but i was recorded with a good WAV sample rate and then redone with the highest MP3 sample rate my recorder has. it sounds good, and hopefully someone can boost the volume a bit
Hey, GR, where are you in CO Springs?
I was at USAFA in feb. for their big conference, wish i'd have noted you were there. I may have asked you before, but what is your AFSC?
Anyways, to stay on topic, I can't wait for the interview!

tomorrow maybe. i'm gonna proof read the shit out of this. also, i still have to organize the audio file hosting with deron
ok, its done. ive just got to do some formatting stuff, and get a picture done in our proper format, and it will be up!

but here's a sneak peak (minus the formatting):

I know you’ve talked about the whole borknagar thing before. Given the chance now, would ever go back? Like be in borknagar and dimmu borgir at the same time.

Um, i talked to Øystein a couple months ago and he sent me some new demo stuff. There’s one song, and old song, I think he’s had it since ’98, called 'My Domain', and its super cool and I definitely want to do that one. I’m not sure if I’m going to do a full length with Borknagar, that’s probably not going to happen.

But just like a couple in studio tracks.

Atleast I want to do that one song because I really really like it. And my best friend, Jens, is in the band again. So it would be very cool to be back, but I don’t think I have the time for a whole album. And I don’t know if I like the new material as much as I like the old material.

yeah. thats all about borknagar. but theres alot of interesting info about lamented souls, code, arcturus, etc...

ok, so here's the deal. the guy who usually helps me with the photos is gone. so can someone here do me a favor? find your favorite vortex pic and format it like this: 112x156 pixels with a 1 pixel white border, then a 1 pixel black border outside of that. check the front page for examples

these boards are usually great for enlisting help like this. and the sooner someone helps me out, the faster it gets posted!