Vortex to do Guest Vocals on New Borknagar Album

yeah. thats all about borknagar. but theres alot of interesting info about lamented souls, code, arcturus, etc...

ok, so here's the deal. the guy who usually helps me with the photos is gone. so can someone here do me a favor? find your favorite vortex pic and format it like this: 112x156 pixels with a 1 pixel white border, then a 1 pixel black border outside of that. check the front page for examples

these boards are usually great for enlisting help like this. and the sooner someone helps me out, the faster it gets posted!

I'll try, although I don't know about the borders XD I'll try my best though.

Made this in paint, hope it's good!


:lol: Wrong way should have checked the first page first! Hold on...
Not sure which you want, some are old pictures.








(Mirrored, wonder if anyone will notice :p)

Hard to find a good pic when you have to use those dimensions, has to be a band picture or else it turns out funny like this:


So pick :p all of these photos except the two bands ones were taken by me anyways so you don't have to worry about anything being copyrighted.
yeah, it will be up after lunch. i was hoping to get some of the other writers to proof read it, since it was a pain breaking out what he had to say. none of them did, so i'm just gonna post it with the caveat that he's hard as fuck to understand sometimes!
:lol: I got more info when I just hung out with him. But a great interview nonetheless, I wasn't aware of his desire to any Arcturus remixing on Sideshows, which would be nice. As far as Borknagar, well he wants to do something which is cool but he is a busy and lazy guy :loco:, so unless he really gets pushed it probably won't happen although I think it would be really awesome so I hope the Borknagar guys do all they can to try and make him, even if they have to resort to kidnapping. Really, it would really help the album sell and reach more fans imo, even people who don't know Borknagar, attaching Vortex's name to it would help get the word out.
Great, stuck with Vintersorg for another damn album. Nu-Vintersorg I should say.

Did you honestly think there was ever a chance Mr. V wasn't going to sing on the new album? That thought never entered my mind, nor do I want him to not sing on it. I hope Vortex does that song though, I mean fuck, it's been ten years and it's still on his mind, that he wants to sing it for the band so, it must be a kickass song if you think about it.
Some thoughts on the interview...

- "My Domain" will be the best song of the new album.

- A re-do of Sideshow Symphonies would be great, since I bet the band would like to hear a better guitar and drum production as do the fans.

- Still writing lyrics for the new Code album can't mean it will be done soon. I guess early 2009 will be a target date.

- Vortex has probably about a three-year window to get that Lamented Souls album recorded. Once Dimmu starts working on a new album, his other priorities will once again be shelved.
They need to bring back Arcturus, and do an album like AHS again I miss that damn band. Im sure the Code album will be better than the latest Dimmu album, im looking forward to that one.
Still writing lyrics for the new Code album can't mean it will be done soon. I guess early 2009 will be a target date.

Well actually he said it should be done after the summer, Dimmu have a few festivals to play during that time but no real touring, which gives him the time and opportunity to get work done with code. I am expecting late fall release. Dimmu is a really chill band, I always pictured them as crazy and party-hard but they just hang out amongst themselves backstage, maybe a few friends, but things are usually pretty quiet. They have a few drinks, but the stage performance really wears them out so they take it easy. I really respect that though. So he was working on them during the tour but now that they're done he should get those lyrics done soon, if they aren't done already. Don't forget this interview took place some weeks ago. Also I remember reading somewhere Code plans to mix the new album at the end of May or something, they even booked the studio. I forget where though...

- Vortex has probably about a three-year window to get that Lamented Souls album recorded. Once Dimmu starts working on a new album, his other priorities will once again be shelved.

Actually, no. He said that they will begin working on a new Dimmu album in 2009. He has a lot of interest in Lamented Souls though. He said they have a a bunch of songs done, 4 really great ones and a few that he feels are 'fillers'. He isn't in any rush to do it though, he wants to make sure that it gets done well since he doesn't need it out there. LS haven't practiced in years he said, but they are still a band and keep in touch. They want to get it out there he's just so busy. He's looking forward to getting the time to make it as good as possible. I was sad to hear him talk that way because it did sound like it was going to be years before it was done, but he didn't say an actual time frame.

When I asked him about his solo career, he said pretty much the same thing. He has A LOT of material done and ready for him. He's just waiting for the time to get it done, since he's in no rush, he wants it to be the best it can be. He also mentioned several times that he is lazy :p

All in all I am excited for these things but I just will keep them in the back of my mind until it comes out.
Why is Dimmu working on a new album so soon? Let the other members do side projects dammit!
:lol: Dude they took a looooooooooooooong break fromDCA to ISD... I'm sure they have obligations to the label and to themselves financially to make sure they don't have another long gap between records again.

Because they're faggots and they don't want the world to have good music.
