We don't have a thread on Meshuggah


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I have Destroy, Erase, Improve and like it a bit, but heard their other work is a bit more interesting. If it's more of the same wacky rythms with crazy lead guitar I don't really need anymore, but I've heard Chaosphere cited as a metal landmark several times. Is it, or any of their other stuff, that much different from Destory, Erase, Improve?
ah, this band needs an RC thread, i like them though i've only heard chaosphere and DEI of which chaosphere is far superior, i never managed to like more than future breed machine on DEI. i think i might even check out their new one-song-21minute EP :)
Sure, they're good musicians and everything, but unfortunately their music isn't very good. I saw them live back in '99 or something, am I true or what?
Sorath said:
Sure, they're good musicians and everything, but unfortunately their music isn't very good. I saw them live back in '99 or something, am I true or what?

You are absolutely right. They are good the first few times you listen then it grows REALLY stale. The reason for this is that they are utterly devoid of all/any emotion. In order for music to be truly good/artistic and hold replay value, it must exhude some kind of emotion/feeling or well it up inside the individual listening. This is one of the main reasons why most Death Metal has grown extremely boring for me.
They are a pretty decent live band, saw them several years back.

So what does Chaosphere have to offer that DEI does not? Spaffe, convince me. :loco:
I once owned DEI, Chaosphere and Contradictions Collapse/None. Absolutely trite nonsense here. Every song sounds the same, and there music is void of any and all feeling or emotion.

If a band has to rely on "wacky rhythm patterns" and "revolutionary time changes", then that means their music sucks, which is the case with Meshuggah.
well i can understand the no-emotion critisism, but i think that's what i like about them when i occationally spin one of their cds, that mechanical sound and inert pummeling fills a gap that i sometimes have a need for and which is usually missing in what i usually listen to.

NAD i think chaosphere is more varied and interesting and ehm, well that's about how distinct i can be i'm afraid, it was some time since i heard DEI :p
Can't stand them. And then I saw them on MTV2 a couple of weeks back, and their latest single (I presume) sounds as derivative as can be. It's not like they're even doing that "math metal" thing anymore, it just sounded like metal-core.
I like Meshuggah. Anyone who likes drumming will like Meshuggah, as long as you can take the completely-devoid-of-melody sound they produce. It's stark, harsh, and pummeling, and I love it. Not sure what the letdown was with "Nothing"; I thought it was great. The songs were a bit slower, and the sound was heavier and less complex, but the drumming was better than ever, and it certainly filled my Meshuggah craving.

Threads like this make me realize how different I am; I'm surprised you haven't banned me yet :p
Ehn. Chaosphere had its moments, but it got old relatively quickly. There drummer can play some pretty fucked up time signatures, Ill give them that.
I'm a huge Meshuggah fan. I LOVE 'Nothing'. 'Chaosphere' is the album that Meshuggah truly became Meshuggah on. Most people just don't try to understand Meshuggah.

NAD . . . all you need to know is that Tool fans will probably like Meshuggah more than the average generic metal head that lurks around RC. Meshuggah is all about rhythm . . . and they are one of the most original bands in the last 10 years.

I'm done.
Yeah, I saw them open for Tool. Alright, I'm going to go listen to DEI one more time then decide if I want to get Chaosphere. I did put it on my shopping list though, which is currently named IGNORE UNTIL OCTOBER.txt :loco:

Their drummer is a frickin' machine, I love that dude.
DEI is kicking my ass right now, it's been some time since I've listened to it. Makes terrible background music though.
Fuck me this is really clicking with me now. Couple of years ago I just respected their chops and listened to a few songs at a time. Last time I listened to it was probably a year ago and I started to actually like it, but was drunk and haven't listened to it since.

Also, I don't see a lack of emotion at all. The growled vocals are a little dry, but the drums have character and the lead guitars are highly expressive.

Glad I started this thread for unknown reasons earlier today. :loco:
I'd probably like Meshuggah, but I can't comprehend monotone, emotionless, "oh-look-at-how-cool-I-am-I-can-play-off-rhythm" MTV metal.
J. said:
I'd probably like Meshuggah, but I can't comprehend monotone, emotionless, "oh-look-at-how-cool-I-am-I-can-play-off-rhythm"
Fair enough, different strokes for different folks.
J. said:
MTV metal.
Zuh!? They play this shit on MTV? I thought you were unable to count past 4 if you watched MTV. :tickled: