We don't have a thread on Meshuggah

Oh . . . and Sorath . . . what do you suggest other than Reason. I can't afford Reason, and it's too hard to get all the disks on DC++ or whatever. I think Fruity Loops is OK, but I'd like something a little better.

I'm being serious.
So after several years of going to a music store, finding Chaosphere with intent to purchase, and putting it down just to get something else instead, I now own it. WHY DIDN'T SOMEONE TELL ME IT WAS SO GOOD!?!?? :loco:

I'm getting Nothing and/or I post haste. Fuck me this is a good band. Even the vocalist who kinda bothered me on DEI is fuckin' AWESOME on Chaosphere.

:kickass: <-- me over past 2 days