I appreciate Anus.com for being a serious website that at least tries to be a usefull source of information. I also like how they try to lift Metal from the beer-drinking manowar-fan cliche to more intellectual circles. -I think Metal is way too less appreciated by those people who are into classical music and so on, who tell the publich which music is sophisticated and which is not.
IMO quality metal should be appreciated as the art which it is.
On the other hand most of their reviews are more or less useless to me because i am not into musical theory at all, so they sound like empty rhetorics to me.
They are way to dogmatic as well.
I also think they miss aspects of the music, because they are totally concentrated on some musical theory and structure and all their interpretations are based on that.
They ignore other aspects like the general atmosphere and feeling and other things, so they miss and slag off some quality music.
I like much of their essays on the other hand and i agree with most of what they say about modern extreme metal.
Many black metal bands are producing nothing new, and most Death Metal bands are just boring "agression".
Still, there are exceptions and if they do not listen to any newer bands at all, they miss something.