What ANUS have been saying about the newer death/black metal bands

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He's better than his little horde of followers, that's for sure. He probably never realized his little site would become the asshole of the internet. He had a noble cause, and I support him. He has never once made me think anything to the contrary. For Christ's sake, he came to the damn Anus.com bashing thread I put up in SOT and posted like any normal person. No ill will or nothing.

I judge people based on apparent personality, and based on his writing and the posters on ANUS, I was not expecting a level-headed guy. You can make anything sound or seem credible if youy present it properly. If Prozak thinks metal is dead, someone must have done a damn good job of NOT impressing him.
anonymousnick2001 said:
He's better than his little horde of followers, that's for sure. He probably never realized his little site would become the asshole of the internet. He had a noble cause, and I support him. He has never once made me think anything to the contrary. For Christ's sake, he came to the damn Anus.com bashing thread I put up in SOT and posted like any normal person. No ill will or nothing.

I judge people based on apparent personality, and based on his writing and the posters on ANUS, I was not expecting a level-headed guy. You can make anything sound or seem credible if youy present it properly. If Prozak thinks metal is dead, someone must have done a damn good job of NOT impressing him.


yoru ideas abotu acoustic death metal and clean singing detah metal and the others sound awesome.
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