what are good 1st or 2nd date ideas (serious)?

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You do realize how many genres of music are covered by the term "mainstream" right? Not to mention the plethora of excellent bands/artists that fall in said category.

edit: Besides, there's nothing "gay" about something being popular. And even if it were gay, let's all act like hypocrites and forgot all about some of the best vocalists in history who actually ARE gay. A few of which are considered gods in the metal community.
Funny part is, Black Sabbath is as mainstream of a band as you can get just about, but yet you like them. Awesome. Same goes for that metallica patch you have on your jacket.

Next time then, your royal highness, I'll determine by genre.

I assumed that you would just be able to pick it up, but some people, like small children, need everything explained to them peice by peice.
Next time then, your royal highness, I'll determine by genre.

I assumed that you would just be able to pick it up, but some people, like small children, need everything explained to them peice by peice.

It would probably support your opinion a little better than throwing a bunch of generalities around and making an ass of yourself. I don't consider slamming entire genres of music you've never listened to be acts of higher intelligence. But what do I know right. Oh and btw, you spelled piece wrong twice.

Irony, it's great shit.
Those who determine the quality of a band on their obscurity/mainstreamness are complete fucking tools.
Notice how I didn't say they sucked, and I just said I don't like them? Did anyone else notice that?

I'm entitled to my opinion, as are you. This is the internet, not Iran, you fucktards.
Nice variation on Godwin's Law there.

Those who determine if they like a band on their mainstreamness are tools.
its funny to hear about date ideas from guys :lol:
honestly the best date a guy ever took me on was to the park and we sat under a tree and played guitar all day
it was really simple but cool

if you plan something too intricate it makes the whole experience much more nerv racking and uncomfortable

oh and dinner with a girl is alright, im not sure for a first date, but women usually either order nothing like a salad or they order the most expensive thing on the menu so either way it kinda sucks
You didn't answer my question, so I guess it's more complicated than you could figure out. Maybe you could have just let the person I asked answer the question if they wanted to.

To put the question in simpler terms, "why is there no choice?" Regardless of the available women in the area he should still have a choice about whether or not he goes out with them.

I have three choices:

either a) listen to what I normally do and be single and miserable the rest of my life

b) change my taste in music and get a girl, while not being true to myself and end up being miserable the rest of my life.

c) stay with the girl I'm with now, even though she tolerates my tastes and style, but has nothing in common with me (she likes newer country and thinks metal is noise).

man, my life sucks.
i dont get it, i mean ok i've dated guys that dont like metal and it hasnt phased either one of us. yea sometimes we'd make comments and tease each other (he liked rap and i'd make fun of him for it jokingly) WHy cant some guys date girls that dont have the same musical taste. if you really get along with the person and have other shit in common i dont see the big freakin deal? Unless you define yourself by the music you listen to?

I have never EVER thought of men in the context of his "numbering system". Ever.

jeez, stop making a big deal out of nothing. All it is a way to judge how attractive girls are when I first see them. It doesn't really mean much.

Totally. She's either hot, or she's not.

uhhh there's a difference between jessica biel and a decent looking chick in my college class.

Case in point: sao and neurotica

that's clearly an exception.

What does neurotica look like?

The thing is, the e is nowhere near the p on a keyboard and there is a space before the f, so he must have subconciously wanted to type rape.

Perhaps he has supressed memories of naked Chinese pedophiles cruising round LA in their lowrider ice cream vans.


I'll clarify my original statement.


Have you really never seen them? They're lying all around, with chains and shit in the back of the van and cardboard side windows.
Go for a walk in the woods/a park/somewhere peaceful. Then go to a casual place to eat I'd say.

On a related note, I can't believe I am replying seriously to a Dave topic.
i dont get it, i mean ok i've dated guys that dont like metal and it hasnt phased either one of us. yea sometimes we'd make comments and tease each other (he liked rap and i'd make fun of him for it jokingly) WHy cant some guys date girls that dont have the same musical taste. if you really get along with the person and have other shit in common i dont see the big freakin deal? Unless you define yourself by the music you listen to?
Non metal people are feeble minded that's why.
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