what are good 1st or 2nd date ideas (serious)?

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I would go to a concert for a date... I've only done it once, just to try, but I'd do it again. Try to be imaginative... maybe if you go on a 2nd date, she'll look forward to it, because she has no idea what might happen?

i dont get it, i mean ok i've dated guys that dont like metal and it hasnt phased either one of us. yea sometimes we'd make comments and tease each other (he liked rap and i'd make fun of him for it jokingly) WHy cant some guys date girls that dont have the same musical taste. if you really get along with the person and have other shit in common i dont see the big freakin deal? Unless you define yourself by the music you listen to?

I guess that last part is pretty true. I've dated girls before that weren't into metal - either a little, into shitty bands, or not at all. Now, I believe in opposites attract, and those were some fun relationships... but to have a girlfriend that gets your largest passion in life, that's something special. It's a pretty big deal, yes. I'd personally date a girl regardless of musical tastes... but I'm crossing my fingers for that day I find that special metal woman.

I have three choices:

either a) listen to what I normally do and be single and miserable the rest of my life

b) change my taste in music and get a girl, while not being true to myself and end up being miserable the rest of my life.

c) stay with the girl I'm with now, even though she tolerates my tastes and style, but has nothing in common with me (she likes newer country and thinks metal is noise).

man, my life sucks.

d) Find a girl that doesn't look like a rabid squirrel.
I have three choices:

either a) listen to what I normally do and be single and miserable the rest of my life

b) change my taste in music and get a girl, while not being true to myself and end up being miserable the rest of my life.

c) stay with the girl I'm with now, even though she tolerates my tastes and style, but has nothing in common with me (she likes newer country and thinks metal is noise).

man, my life sucks.

:lol: Yeah metal music is obviously the thing holding you back.
haha metal chicks arent hot. They are monsters.. I went out with one once and she carved my name into her leg,PSYCHO! Nah now i go for the sweet, Innocent, doesnt matter how good you are in the sack cause they're virgins girls.:)
I have three choices:

either a) listen to what I normally do and be single and miserable the rest of my life

b) change my taste in music and get a girl, while not being true to myself and end up being miserable the rest of my life.

c) stay with the girl I'm with now, even though she tolerates my tastes and style, but has nothing in common with me (she likes newer country and thinks metal is noise).

man, my life sucks.

If I had to guess, I'd say it probably has more to do with you being racist, sexist, awkward, aspergerized* and generally offensive in many ways.

*A TIACN origional word.
Ok... since no one else asked this I will... but uh.. Dave are you a virgin and never been on a date before to be asking this question as well as the STD's question in your other thread at the age of 18? 19? etc.... Most guys at your age would know where to take a girl on a date or what to do on a date.. etc... :rolleyes:
no, I have been laid a few times at parties by drunk high school chicks, not since about a year ago though. I have never really dated, never really had a girlfriend.
oh ok.. that clears that up... anyways take a girl out to lunch (not mcdonalds but nothing expensive neither... ask her what kind of food she likes... if italian take her to olive garden... while waiting for food to come you have plenty of time to chat about things)... or a movie ( no macho bloody movies but no girly movies neither... drama's or comedies will be good for a first date but with no extreme sex scenes)...
gives you something to talk about after the movie if you take her out to eat.. don't eat in a movie theater.. fucking popcorn etc.. are a ripoff... or buy small soda, small popcorn etc.. to save money... anyways women love to discuss the movie they just saw especially drama's and/or comedies... romantic comedies more so then reg comedies...
haha metal chicks arent hot. They are monsters.. I went out with one once and she carved my name into her leg,PSYCHO! Nah now i go for the sweet, Innocent, doesnt matter how good you are in the sack cause they're virgins girls.:)

I like phsycos.

It's more interesting that way.
jeez, stop making a big deal out of nothing. All it is a way to judge how attractive girls are when I first see them. It doesn't really mean much.

uhhh there's a difference between jessica biel and a decent looking chick in my college class.

that's clearly an exception.


More like I proved you wrong. You said ALL and I pointed out some very attractive women who don't listen to mainstream 'bullshit.'
sad but true. most girls just don't understand metal.


Who cares. Every girl I have thought about approaching never ever thought about my own taste in music and if she would understand/get it. A female is a female and she should have girly/different tastes and not understand because she's a girl. I always think a girl is not going to understand things about me just as I will not understand things about her and how we will be better off being different and being able to show each other things we do not know because we are different sexes and people. If I meet a girl and she has the same taste in music,etc... i'd kill myself. Sitting in your room alone listening to a metal cd generally sucks so if I through it all away tomorrow would not even care.
movies are terrible for dates though, you can't even talk.

I agree.

Also I dont see why some of you are even bringing up you're music taste, its one of the least important factors in a relationship. What when you go out with her do you take a stereo out on your shoulder blasting out some brutal metal? I fucking hope not. Opposites attract anyway, and its damn true from my experiences.

Edit. DD is totally right.
You're right.It's hardly a big issue at all. There are mature/older folks here who are happily married and listen to black metal. (assuming they aren't lying, of course since nothing said on the internet can be 100% certified). Just like with mainstream music, when one of the sides in the relationship likes a certain style. that the other side strongly dislikes, he/she'll be considerate enough to listen to it in privacy. Music is a very personal thing, in general, and so it should remain.
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