What are the Black, Thrash, Power, Death Metal Capitals

You are entitled to your opinion. Honestly NYDM influenced nothing but shitty newer brutal death metal bands from texas and cali and I am pretty sure this is seperated from the death metal genre because a lot of people don't think it has much in commen with real death metal and it does not really have much merit in death metal and general metal. Florida and swedish death metal infleunced the world and years to come where NY is mainly crappy brutal death metal bands no one gives a shit about.

someone finally agrees with me that the majority of brutal death metal is noisy shit
If you haven't realized, Cookiecutter PREFERS brutal death metal to old school so of course he's gonna think New York is a more influential place for death metal. This arguement is all based on opinion.
Exactly. I gave my reasons, others gave theirs. There's not much more to add.

florida is definitly more of a death metal capital than new york
cc, deicide, death, morbid angel.
4 of the biggest death metal bands were from florida
:lol: This is coming from the guy who said Job For a Cowboy was good.
You can't just limit yourself to old school death metal because you don't like newer death metal. Influence is influence whether you like it or not. Obviously Death and Morbid Angel were influential, but you can't deny Suffocation and other's influence because you don't like the product.
You can't just limit yourself to old school death metal because you don't like newer death metal. Influence is influence whether you like it or not. Obviously Death and Morbid Angel were influential, but you can't deny Suffocation and other's influence because you don't like the product.

I love new technical death metal

but that is a genre of innovation, intelligence, melody, interesting and unique song-writing, etc...

none of that is really there with brutal DM (honestly most of it is just noisy mindless shit to me)
I want to also add, one must factor in the people that live there. For example, I've seen Sweden and most of the kids there seem to like their metal alright, its quite rampant and played nearly everywhere. But over in Canada and the US, most of the youth like listening to either some country or emo, rap, hiphop, or punk.Essentially, there wasn't a dominant fervor for metal in North America. We all know rap and that garbage is no.1 here. We cannot just solely factor what influential bands came from each scene and then determine off the bat who's a capital. So thats why I preferred Sweden over Florida and New York, there's more of a metal culture there compared to the US, overall. And you can throw in all the numerous metal bands that roam there as well. One will find pockets of metalheads in NYC and Florida yes but I highly doubt, you'll find it everywhere enough to even to start calling those place metal capitals.