what are you reading?

I never thought of it as such.

*the venting part I mean. And trust me, there are MUCH better, more efficient, more enlightening ways to escape reality than being mean online :)

It wasn't directed at you in particular, Kevin. I have to admit old Will was a lot cooler, although in the last month I feel like he's made a huge step into being that way again.

And I'm certainly not advocating acting like a douche here. This board would probably be a lot better off without people like Will and I who viciously snap at people for no reason, or because we're unhappy with our situations.

But you're both my my pals I'm just rambling before my sleeping pills take effect.

We don't have any fucking milk in the house and I don't have the ride to get any. This is making me very angry.
you have a stronger sense of SAVING. I'm about 2 grand in debt, and I have no idea how to manage my money. "OH, IM GONNA BUY THIS AUTOGRAPHED VINCENT PRICE DILDO"
well the fact that you know what your weakness is as far as money shows that you can change your spending habits and start saving up.

you'll be making good STEADY money at walmart as long as you stay there and don't freak out about your co-workers. and no, they don't all hate you or talk down to you or whatever. you can either get along with them, if you make the effort, or you can just work with them, which is what you're there to do.

so there are the necessities like gas money and food and then there's stuff that you don't need (dvds, musical instruments, autographs, etc) yeah, i know that i'm not a person you'd take advice about self-control from (compulsively buying books and clothes, chain-smoking, eating too much and can't stick to a work-out routine) and buying it or having it at the time seems like it would make you happy, but saving your money is what would help you out in the LONG RUN and get you closer to getting out of your house.
I just want to point out the fact that you said that I must be a masochist by returning here, and it pisses you off that my attitude has been so negative. Just ignore me if it bothers you that much. Sure, I'll probably get better, but it will save YOU the frustration of reading what I'm posting.
I just want to point out the fact that you said that I must be a masochist by returning here, and it pisses you off that my attitude has been so negative. Just ignore me if it bothers you that much. Sure, I'll probably get better, but it will save YOU the frustration of reading what I'm posting.
Precisely my intentions. Good luck with everything, seriously.
My life isn't going anywhere because I didn't go to college. I can't make it through college, because I can't do the book-learning thing. I'm more hands-on. I don't have the money to go to a trade school. Nobody would hire me BUT Walmart. My job sucks, my social life is awful, my family life is shit, my musical hobby isn't working out, and the only thing that manages to keep me somewhat sane is the idea of potentially getting some fucking stupid autographs in the mail.

Well...this is certainly a snazzy self-flashback to 1986. When finding yourself in a hole, stop digging. Can you manage to make it to Chicago for a few days THIS week? I can show you something that most musicians and "hands-on" folks can tolerate, pick up and generally consider interesting while making $ -DOE... No, not Amway, sperm donating or doing porn. (that's at my Cali office :p)
Hit me with a msg, my MySpace "buddy". :cool:

Give a big "sorry" to everyone Mr. Will. Things will get better!
David does it a lot too, but in a different way.

Only half the time, and I do it that way because some find the approach funny. It makes for a more memorable approach to inject a snark than if you just point and shoot.

It's more calculated than people realize. ;)
