what are you reading?

It's ok. He can pretend to be Freud. I don't care about his opinion. If I did, I would've tried to talk to him on AIM at some point over the last few months.
No worries mang. I wouldn't have responded if you did. You equal negative energy nowadays. I used to enjoy talking to you a lot more before you turned into a dick. And I don't buy your bullshit about this forum for a second. If you really didn't give a fuck about anyone here and only talk to the ones you do care about on AIM, you'd be gone and you know it. Deron does too, that's why he doesn't ban you. You need this shit more than you realize. I'd almost go as far as to say you're some sort of masochist.
perhaps I am. why else would I want to get banned? it would make sure I can't post up until the point of me re-registering under a different email address. I need to get the fuck out of here, but I can't.
Dude, all it takes is doing it. If you know you need to, and you want to, why won't you? Do you really lack that much self control? If you honestly can't think of why, maybe you should think harder. If people can quit meth and heroin, surely you can quit a message board.

Unless you really don't want to, and making people think you do is all part of the masochism. Who knows.

If it makes you feel any better, I have issues too. One of them is letting your attitude get to me. It's hard not to because you used to be so much happier and more fun to talk to. It sucks seeing you turn into a raging prick for no good reason.
It sucks seeing you turn into a raging prick for no good reason.

It sucks seeing you judge me without actually sitting down with me in person and figuring out what exactly is bothering me. One lesson I've learned is nobody here wants to hear about my gripes. I've done it way too many times, and people just go "oh stop bitching". Yeah, some people actually seem to care, but when someone vents and even ONE negative response comes in, that fucks with them at that moment. I'm not going to sit here and tell YOU what is bothering me, because I know that you're one of the people that really don't give a shit. I'll continue being a dickhead on here because I WANT to be one. Hang out with me in person, and you'll know that I have more good intentions with my humor than honestly negative. I can call you an arrogant, self-righteous pile of shit, but I don't think you'll exactly like that.

edit: I'm not going to sit here and PRETEND that everything with me is fine, because not much with me IS fine. Do you REALLY think I enjoy the way my mood shifts constantly? I'm not putting on some kind of facade in an attempt to make people think that something is wrong. I really AM going from "nice, able to hold a good conversation" to "mind-blowingly douchey" almost instantly. Perhaps I come here to get some kind of friendship still, since breaking up with Laura took away one of my best friends. Perhaps I still look for online friendship because one of my friends is too busy figuring out living arrangements, another of my friends is always tired, and the other one (yep, THREE) doesn't exactly seem to give a shit about me enough to maintain set plans or even return my calls. That leaves me to ONE friend. Even then, all he wants to do is go out and drink. I can't afford that shit. So yeah... I really DO want to leave this fucking place so I can try to establish some kind of ACTUAL contact with REAL people. I have almost no self esteem when it comes to meeting new people in person. The internet is SO much easier. Yeah, I know that I said that I wasn't going to bitch about myself, but I guess I'm just being a "masochist" that is lying to everyone about himself. My grandfather's still in declining health, my grandmother doesn't exactly seem well, my mother's eyes aren't getting any better, and her back is even MORE fucked up. The medicine that she takes makes her speak gibberish, and she can't exactly do anything fun anymore because her medicine makes her randomly fall asleep. I haven't been able to write a song or even one line of lyrics in MONTHS. I make $9.55 an hour at WALMART. My life isn't going anywhere because I didn't go to college. I can't make it through college, because I can't do the book-learning thing. I'm more hands-on. I don't have the money to go to a trade school. Nobody would hire me BUT Walmart. My job sucks, my social life is awful, my family life is shit, my musical hobby isn't working out, and the only thing that manages to keep me somewhat sane is the idea of potentially getting some fucking stupid autographs in the mail.

Happy now?
It sucks seeing you judge me without actually sitting down with me in person and figuring out what exactly is bothering me. One lesson I've learned is nobody here wants to hear about my gripes. I've done it way too many times, and people just go "oh stop bitching". Yeah, some people actually seem to care, but when someone vents and even ONE negative response comes in, that fucks with them at that moment. I'm not going to sit here and tell YOU what is bothering me, because I know that you're one of the people that really don't give a shit. I'll continue being a dickhead on here because I WANT to be one. Hang out with me in person, and you'll know that I have more good intentions with my humor than honestly negative. I can call you an arrogant, self-righteous pile of shit, but I don't think you'll exactly like that.
Bro the only thing I've got to go on as far as judging you is what you post here. What am I supposed to do? Not say anything? I've already admitted it's hard for me to do that.

You're right though, in person you're much different than than the way you've bee acting here lately, but that just confuses me. What compels you to be an asshole here, but not in the outernet?

I wouldn't say I don't care about your problems, but they definitely don't affect me, so I see no reason to participate in the conversations based around said problems unless I have something worthwhile to contribute. Have I ever been a dick to you for no reason? When your attitude is good, you get good attitudes back and when your attitude is shit, it makes my attitude shit, because based on real life experiences with you, I don't understand why your poor attitude is necessary. I wouldn't waste this much time typing all this shit if I didn't think there were the potential for you to be happy and fun again.