What are your five favourite bands?

pantera is a lot better than bands like korn and slipknot. Power metal is an excellent power/speed/heavy metal album, cowboys from hell is also pretty good groovy thrash

my top 5

Black Sabbath
Morbid Angel
Tough to narrow it just 5, there's a lot more that I like just as equal, regardless here is my list...

Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
Iced Earth
Blind Guardian

Iced Earth and Blind Guardian are gay. now Priest and Maiden I can tolerate, though. never heard of the other band.
Originally Posted by ohiogrinder
neither do I, I can never understand the appeal of listening to some castrati wailing about wizards and dragons over ridiculous guitar masturbation.

THere we are with the, OMG it sounds so gayyyyy!!!! arguement, honestly, and I am a fan of quite a few DM and BM bands, the grunting sounds like something you'd hear in brokeback mountain, only without the accents.