What do you see as a 'disgrace' to metal music? Why?

An old friend and I would make fun of Emmure and Atilla all the time

Their lyrics are that bad.
Like, the worst of the worst.

Wesley Willis has better lyrical quality than these shitheads.
An old friend and I would make fun of Emmure and Atilla all the time

Their lyrics are that bad.
Like, the worst of the worst.

Wesley Willis has better lyrical quality than these shitheads.

"I'm a bad motherfucker not a fucking role model
Fuck church, hit a bong, then go smash a fucking bottle
Got a few sluts to help me roll a few blunts
And they never question me cause they know I hate cunts" - Atilla

It's like some Hot Topic deathcore kids accidentally switched the radio station to Rap Hits one day and were like "O SHIT SON!"
All I know is that Emmure is super into Limp Bizkit and Atilla wanted to be Zao but not and write crunk songs like Kesha but with breakdowns and growling.
All I know is that Emmure is super into Limp Bizkit and Atilla wanted to be Zao but not and write crunk songs like Kesha but with breakdowns and growling.
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What I really like about some of the classic bands is that they had their own sound, their own direction. Those were the bands that created genres.

Seems like most bands now are just aping the current band/song that's trending.

Mixing and mastering of most releases now also seems to follow a formulaic approach.

I also hate it when I pay good money for a CD and there are a couple of good tracks but everything else is filler.
That's definitely what I think. Unfortunately, despite having classic tracks like Hallowed Be Thy Name, Run to the Hills and the title track, the album has an unsatisfying number of fillers.
afaic it solidified Maiden's "epic" style as much as if not more than Phantom of the Opera or Hallowed Be Thy Name did.

And you don't even listen to Iron Maiden brah