What do you see as a 'disgrace' to metal music? Why?

lol @ Seventh Son and Somewhere in Time being the best Maiden albums. I guess you love bruce best when he's mercilessly melting your ears with never ending hooks.

I'm in the process of going through their discography again.
So far my thoughts are: Killers > Iron Maiden > The Number of the Beast

i only listen to their first 5 and its usually either the S/T or Piece of Mind.
@HamburgerBoy "You dont even like Iron Maiden" >>> "WUT? Has anyone here praised their debut more than i have?" >>>> "Is The Number of the Best their debut though?" :lol: and this guy actually wants us to believe that he teaches people things for a living. lulz

You gave an opinion on 22 Acacia Avenue, which is not from the debut. Also

I'd rather listen to Maiden, but i couldn't give less of a shit about either of 'em.

... two of the most overrated bands of all time right there.

Poser alert
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mercilessly melting your ears with never ending hooks.

That sounds awesome.

Somewhere in Time is probably my 2nd favourite by them, but like I said I'm going through them again and that may not still be the case by the end of it.

i only listen to their first 5 and its usually either the S/T or Piece of Mind.

Seems pointlessly limited but okay. Brave New World is a fantastic album imo and many of the 90's albums are underrated gems.
You gave an opinion on 22 Acacia Avenue, which is not from the debut. Also

Poser alert
another confirmation that you do indeed wear a helmet when you shower.

Which part of that post has you confused? They are indeed one of the most overrated bands of all time. Ive always said that.

and also lol @ you having trouble following what we were talking about, mr teacher
So you couldn't give less than a shit about them but you still feel a need to prove that you're the biggest supporter of their debut on this entire forum and that you listen to them all the time.
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that you listen to them all the time.
:lol: retardation confirmed again

Do i really need to spoon feed shit to you every time? Me saying no on has praised their debut more than i have(which is a fact) means that i think they're the greatest band ever? Lmao. And Im still having a good laugh at how such a clear and simple statement from me can have you so lost, confused and cracked out
how such a clear and simple statement from me can have you so lost, confused and cracked out

I lol'd.

lol you really have no life do you? " WHY ARE YOU LISTENING TO THE ALBUMS YOU LIKE? LISTEN TO THE ONES I LIKE TOO" Who was it that said you just cant control yourself when it comes to posting here? yeah, they were spot on.

I'm not saying you have to do anything, I'm just saying I think that's a pointlessly limited position on Iron Maiden and I think your opinion is dumb as fuck.

Who posts more and for more frivolous reasons in the GMD plays no part in that.

PS: prove you can not reply to this.
I lol'd.

I'm not saying you have to do anything, I'm just saying I think that's a pointlessly limited position on Iron Maiden and I think your opinion is dumb as fuck.

Who posts more and for more frivolous reasons in the GMD plays no part in that.

PS: prove you can not reply to this.

Are you sick in the head? I OWN those albums(the ones you are crying about), they've been in my collection longer than you've been listening to metal. What part of the fact that i tend listen to the albums i like are you genuinely having problem with? Like seriously, can you answer that question without slapping yourself for being such an idiot?
they've been in my collection longer than you've been listening to metal.

Being into something for longer isn't an excuse for having a shit opinion of said something. But here have an OG award.

What part of the fact that i tend listen to the albums i like are you genuinely having problem with? Like seriously, can you answer that question without slapping yourself for being such an idiot?

No part, you seem to be having trouble understanding the difference between you should listen to what I like even if you don't like it vs. I think your view of the post-first 5 Iron Maiden albums sucks and is an example of how limited your tastes are.

I'm saying the latter, you're hallucinating the former.

PS: prove you can not reply to this.
Are you sick in the head?

:thumbsup: :lol: