what does your girlfriend/wife think of you listening to opeth

<<<<<<But as you can see, my 2 year old daughter is much more clued up on things. She was doing this while I was listening to Grand Magus. If she ever sees a guy with long hair, she points the horns and shouts "METAL!" at him. I taught her the latter part, but she worked out the long haired bit herself. I have high hopes for her!

:D :lol: I envision my future child doing this, but maybe s/he will be growling at that age too. Hmmm:u-huh:
my wife says the more she hears Opeth the less she wants to see them live. How can I changeher mind?

Not sure you can, I never liked a ton of Opeth, but after seeing them live I have to say it was even harder to pick up on them. Girlfriend though loves Opeth so I have to hear them often. :)
She doesn't like it...unfortunately she likes Country and Praise and Worship music. Lets just say that even though we have almost everything in common with everything else...when it comes to music we have nothing in common.
:OMG: ^
anyways my gf broke up with me wow thanks for bringing it up..... xD
no really, we were listening to Morningrise in the car and although she never got into it really and never really preferred any metal... somewhere in black rose immortal she said "you know baby....even though theres so much going on in the song it really ends up being...really beautiful"

She hates every other thing that i like. She likes those douchey solo guys playing a piano and a guitar with lyrics like "if you wanna be with meeee" and other bullshit.

Anyways. They never mind banging to it at least.
i used to masturbate to opeth, then when i got some chance for dick i asked if i could play it while we did it.
he didn't mind, i suppose its a win win situation

how does masturbating to opeth differ from masturbating without any music at all? id personally like some nice soft, non invasive quiet music so it doesnt take my attention away from priority number 1, warming the sausage. i cant imagine listening to 'heavy' opeth and then trying to do 'angry' masturbation or whatever
I used to have a friend whose girlfriend always wanted to fuck to Tool and he told me she would get so into the music she would start singing it during sex and they would have to stop. Oddly enough she cheated on him with this guy
