What does your Username/Name mean?

Dj = disk-jokey
british = tea drinker
motard = french for for biker

Dj_british_motard stand for three words that isnt suppose to be put in the same sentence.
Perkeleen_Penikka is something like "A fucking brat" in finnish. I didn't come up with anything better when I registered, if I could change the nick now I would be Mutina (=murmur, and it is a bit like my real name) or Mustankka (Musta=black ankka=Duck, though it's not the point).
Sad = unhappy: feeling or showing unhappiness, grief, or sorrow.

But = proposition: used to introduce a statement that disagrees with something just said, or that expresses an emotion such as surprise or disbelief at what was just said.

Tr00 = OMFG, you're poseur if you don't know this one.

But in other words, my username has something to do with

(Guess what band :D)