What don't you "get"?

Setsu said:
I don't understand why some colors are gay but others aren't. Purple is personally my favorite color. I'm a guy, some would say it's a gay color and others would say it's "pimp". I say they're all morons and you should be able to like/wear whatever you want. Homophobes FTW

Purple is an awesome color, and it's not "gay" at all.
Ptah Khnemu said:
Because Derek Sherinian is an awesome keyboardist, and very underrated.
I don't get the phrase underrated because it's underspecified. Underrated by who? Underrated in general? Does it mean that lots of people know of the thing in question but rate it poorly, and if so does the phrase then imply they're stupid? Or does it mean that not enough people know of it in order to rate it highly?
I don't get Pain of Salvation or Tool.

I don't get why people feel the need to dress (and sometimes behave) as per their favourite musical genre's social stereotypes.

I don't get why so many bands that are vocally driven are popular when the vocals are terrible (eg. emo, some punk at least).

I don't get why people look at me weird when I turn down a ride to somewhere because I'd rather walk.

I don't get why supposedly straight guys go clothes/shoe shopping when they don't need any, ie. just because they like to.

I don't get extroverts.
I dont get....THE GOLD/SILVER BELT OBSESSION!!!!!! arrrgggghhhhhhh!! It seems like every girl in this town owns several of them and wear them constantly (with a matching - badly, very badly matching.. totally different hues altogether - gold/silver bag, and cork platform shoes!!!!!!).

Ugh, they have that trend there too? I don't get why people would wear clothes that have their name on it, either... those garish, pseudo rhinestone belt buckles in particular. And so the whole world can see their name, they either tuck their shirt in (Steve Urkel, anyone?) or they wear midriffs and look like muffin sluts. That's another thing I don't get; just buy a pair of pants that fit.
SilentRealm said:
As much as I dont get why Paris Hilton is popular, the same can be said for: all socialites (lindsay lohan, the olsen twins, kimberly stewart, nicole richie) and the oil/shipping heirs that switch back and forth between said socialites.

I also don't get why James Blunt (keeping with Beelz' love of the guy :p), Kasey Chambers, Rogue Traders, Pussycat Dolls etc have music careers.

I don't get why many Metallica fans think Kirk Hammet is the 'best' guitarist ever (and if you don't agree then you obviously don't know anything about metal apparently).

I don't get why people would actually choose to go on a show like Big Brother - the whole nation does not need to see you taking a dump/masturbating/picking your nose.

I don't get why so many men want to date blonde bimbo's with nothing between their ears (or hips), and then complain about them being starfish (when we could have told them that before they wasted their time). <courtesy of my best friend Zen>

I don't get why goths/emos think they're 'rebelling' against society when all they are doing is conforming to another type of society, or think they're being 'individual' when they all look the bloody same.

I don't get MTV in general - they dont seem to realise that they're not cool/hip/out there. The people on it are pretty much (I'm being nice) the same shallow california-type regardless of what sort of show they're involved with. Is this what we're teaching our younger generations to aspire to?

I dont get....THE GOLD/SILVER BELT OBSESSION!!!!!! arrrgggghhhhhhh!! It seems like every girl in this town owns several of them and wear them constantly (with a matching - badly, very badly matching.. totally different hues altogether - gold/silver bag, and cork platform shoes!!!!!!).

I also don't get why it's 'popular/trendy/fashionable' to put garish colours together in an outfit such as blue/orange, pink/orange, green/pink...

and furthermore I dont get PINK SHIRTS FOR MEN!!!!!! it's so gay!!

I could go on all day long here but I will stop.. for now :)

:rock: That was a pretty good list.
SilentRealm said:
wow so disney is dumb enough to hire her a couple of times. i think she has been in all of about 4 movies, none of which were any decent.. doesnt make someone a star.. hell even paris has been in at least 3 movies and several tv shows..
But wasn't Paris in movies and tv shows after she was famous?

I'm still stuck on Lindsay Lohan's sister having a music video though. There goes another member of America's once innocent youth, doomed to a path of money, power, bitchiness, drugs, and bad decisions.

Eternal Dragon said:
I dont get......


You're not alone.

meisteh said:
I don't get Pain of Salvation or Tool.
You're not supposed to get Tool. That's the idea of their music.

I don't get why so many people get really angry when they hear technical music. What's wrong with a little bit of Progtacularness in music once in a while?
They don't like it because they can't remember it. Since it isn't one of the either very simple beats in rap or pop that usually aren't even made by the actual artists they can't seem to understand anything more than a simple bass line or riff.

Most people enjoy short easy tunes anyone else in the world will recognize even if they only sing like 2 notes.
I get that, but it's the fact that most people don't even appreciate or respect it for the amount of work put into it that I don't get.
meisteh said:
I don't get Pain of Salvation or Tool.

Fuck now yer talking, I can't STAND Pain of Salvation. Once again the entire metal community was 'shitting their nappies' about how staggeringly spectacular this band was, of course me being the mug that I am went out and purchased the album 'Remedy Lane'. To cut a long, boring and extremely overrated story short it turned out to be the most expensive coffee coaster I ever bought. Mug, coffee coaster - ohh thats class.

Also I'd like to add the entire music scene in England, this now consists of multiple clones of crappy 3-chord student 'art' rock shit that everybody just laps up for the sake of cool, stupid twats. I heard more musical ability the last time I tripped over my brother&#8217;s guitar.
Ptah Khnemu said:
I don't get why so many people get really angry when they hear technical music. What's wrong with a little bit of Progtacularness in music once in a while?

Amen! :kickass:

Alexander Reborn,
Is the English mainstream (rock) music scene still comprised primarily of that stuff? Or are tastes changing to anything else in particular? I'm asking because, over here at least, that sound has been around for several years now, and I think it's time for something different.
Alexander*_Reborn said:
Also I'd like to add the entire music scene in England, this now consists of multiple clones of crappy 3-chord student 'art' rock shit that everybody just laps up for the sake of cool, stupid twats. I heard more musical ability the last time I tripped over my brother’s guitar.

That is the effect of the growth of Budweiser sales in the UK. British minds are being corrupted...

Bring back the ales!
MorphineChild205 said:
Emo Music
It's not music, nor is it emotional. No one cares that your 15-year-old girlfriend broke your heart and that you'll never love again, and no one wants to see you in your metrosexual clothes with five tons of product in your swooped hair and your self-taken, low-angled, mirror-reflected MySpace profile pic playing only basic power chords because you can't focus on playing something harder since your priority is dancing around the stage like some schizophrenic zoo animal only to return home and post how sweet your evening was on your blog.

One of the smartest things I've heard all year!

I don't understand why high school girls (The ones in my school anyway) feel like they need to put on 3 pounds of make-up every day and look like sluts. I always thought sluts were looked down upon.
greenaxer said:
All the pounds of make up only serves to mask insecurity. I'm not saying wearing make up is bad, just that putting SO MUCH emphasis on it points to self image issues.
Either that or they don't know how to wear it properly.
Because I'm flying down to the Carribean the next morning. And since I'm not going, alot of people said "Aww, he's not going?" And because I'm that cool, they decided not to go, only to realize soon after that I would rather them go see a kickass show.... sorry. :p
Fakerofdeath said:
. I always thought sluts were looked down upon.

Same way at my school. And combined with makeup is the crappy goth clothing they wear, even though they have no idea what Goth actually is. then they claim they are metal when wearing hawthorne heights shirts.

And they think I'm weird for wearing my Gorgoroth hoodie.
At my high school, the goth/metal/"emo"(not classified as such at the time) looking people were mainly into ICP, Korn, and Metallica; in middle school it was Korn and Black Sabbath, at least from the exposure I had with them. I know that not all of those bands have metal characteristics.

I don't appreciate it when people use music as a front/cover for how they want to be judged by other people; it makes them so....superficial...

Oh snap, I have a Symphony X shirt!