Sorry I found that hilarious, not for the band reference but for the shire fact that somebody would actually announce themselves as being 'hardcore', absolutely priceless. I'd like to see somebody try that in an East End pub, you'd need a damn good proctologist to remove the pool cue let me tell you.
What's this whole thing about being 'hardcore' anyway? Forging your musical tastes to the most extreme or pure of the genre doesn't make you hardcore, it makes you in actual fact what's known as a fucktard, why do you care whether our not other people think your hardcore? I smell self-esteem issues here, time to book the sofa on Oprah, that's right let it all out you hairy beast.
Actually on that whole Oprah overture why is it that only the clinically obese that say (usually eating a pizza at the time) "beauty is on the inside?" Have you looked in the bathroom mirror lately or did you fall through the fucking floorboards into the kitchen? I know, I know I should be a councillor.