What don't you "get"?

Montu Sekhmet said:
Same way at my school. And combined with makeup is the crappy goth clothing they wear, even though they have no idea what Goth actually is. then they claim they are metal when wearing hawthorne heights shirts.

And they think I'm weird for wearing my Gorgoroth hoodie.

A guy in my class says he is hardcore because he wears a My Chemical Romance shirt. Needless to say I was laughing pretty hard. IMO that band is terrible.
Sabin17 said:
I don't appreciate it when people use music as a front/cover for how they want to be judged by other people; it makes them so....superficial...

well, music is on my mind 24/7 so i don't really mind being labeled as a metalhead. But uh, you know.. its nice to be known for something other then, "oh yea, the metal guy."
Fakerofdeath said:
A guy in my class says he is hardcore because he wears a My Chemical Romance shirt. Needless to say I was laughing pretty hard. IMO that band is terrible.

Yeah. They dont even know who Deicide is, and they think themselves hardcore.
Montu Sekhmet said:
Yeah. They dont even know who Deicide is, and they think themselves hardcore.
They might cry if they listen to Deicide. It might cause them to stopping being emo though, because of all of those satanic overtones! Maybe they'll be too scared to slit their wrists then, in fear of dying and going to hell, where they'll meet Glen Benton and he will do baaaaaaad things to their fragile little emo minds. :goggly:

... Was that a little too much? :erk:

(I'm just kidding, btw)
Tubbs Mcgee said:
They might cry if they listen to Deicide. It might cause them to stopping being emo though, because of all of those satanic overtones! Maybe they'll be too scared to slit their wrists then, in fear of dying and going to hell, where they'll meet Glen Benton and he will do baaaaaaad things to their fragile little emo minds. :goggly:

maybe it could be used as a possible cure......
Fakerofdeath said:
A guy in my class says he is hardcore because he wears a My Chemical Romance shirt.

Sorry I found that hilarious, not for the band reference but for the shire fact that somebody would actually announce themselves as being 'hardcore', absolutely priceless. I'd like to see somebody try that in an East End pub, you'd need a damn good proctologist to remove the pool cue let me tell you.

What's this whole thing about being 'hardcore' anyway? Forging your musical tastes to the most extreme or pure of the genre doesn't make you hardcore, it makes you in actual fact what's known as a fucktard, why do you care whether our not other people think your hardcore? I smell self-esteem issues here, time to book the sofa on Oprah, that's right let it all out you hairy beast.

Actually on that whole Oprah overture why is it that only the clinically obese that say (usually eating a pizza at the time) "beauty is on the inside?" Have you looked in the bathroom mirror lately or did you fall through the fucking floorboards into the kitchen? I know, I know I should be a councillor.
Alexander*_Reborn said:
Sorry I found that hilarious, not for the band reference but for the shire fact that somebody would actually announce themselves as being 'hardcore', absolutely priceless. I'd like to see somebody try that in an East End pub, you'd need a damn good proctologist to remove the pool cue let me tell you.

What's this whole thing about being 'hardcore' anyway? Forging your musical tastes to the most extreme or pure of the genre doesn't make you hardcore, it makes you in actual fact what's known as a fucktard, why do you care whether our not other people think your hardcore? I smell self-esteem issues here, time to book the sofa on Oprah, that's right let it all out you hairy beast.

Actually on that whole Oprah overture why is it that only the clinically obese that say (usually eating a pizza at the time) "beauty is on the inside?" Have you looked in the bathroom mirror lately or did you fall through the fucking floorboards into the kitchen? I know, I know I should be a councillor.

I told him he was a douche, and of course he and his 32 whores flip out on me. I would want to see him say that in prison. He'd be smacked around for a couple days. Then they could make a tv special. :lol:
Fakerofdeath said:
A guy in my class says he is hardcore because he wears a My Chemical Romance shirt. Needless to say I was laughing pretty hard. IMO that band is terrible.
well, I listened to it today and I thought "hey, that's some good rock music" :D
Then I read your post :D
Shame on me, I have moments when I like some... yeah, how do you call it... stupid rock music :)
I can't seem to find any well known new rock bands that I actually enjoy listening to. It's usually music made to fit the mold and sell albums, not for the creativity or artistic value.

I don't get why some people think bands like Symphony X have "cheesey lyrics", when in fact almost all well known bands have very generic re-told lyrics. It's most likely because they've never picked up a good piece of literature in their lives and therefor know nothing of any of the meanings behind the songs.
Setsu said:
I can't seem to find any well known new rock bands that I actually enjoy listening to. It's usually music made to fit the mold and sell albums, not for the creativity or artistic value.

I don't get why some people think bands like Symphony X have "cheesey lyrics", when in fact almost all well known bands have very generic re-told lyrics. It's most likely because they've never picked up a good piece of literature in their lives and therefor know nothing of any of the meanings behind the songs.

All rap lyrics are either about Sex, Violence, or Drugs. That's it.
Country + Rap = Crap

I'm on the verge of figuring out something I haven't understood for years:

The Dragonball Z formula.

Why am I actually taking time to do this? Because of another forum.
Setsu said:
I can't seem to find any well known new rock bands that I actually enjoy listening to. It's usually music made to fit the mold and sell albums, not for the creativity or artistic value.

I don't get why some people think bands like Symphony X have "cheesey lyrics", when in fact almost all well known bands have very generic re-told lyrics. It's most likely because they've never picked up a good piece of literature in their lives and therefor know nothing of any of the meanings behind the songs.
I like Feeder... that's like the only 'popular' music (it's not quite popular here in Belgium, more in UK) I like, and you won't hear me say a bad word about them. Don't go and listen to Buck Rogers... Listen to the album Comfort in Sound, that's their best I think.

Symphony X have cheesey lyrics? :)
Blind Guardian has lots of cheese, yes, but Symphony X... No, I don't think so.
Neither Symphony X nor Blind Guardian have cheesy lyrics. When the word cheesy comes to mind, here's all you should ever think of:

Lost Horizon
Tenacious D