What has Metal not done?

DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
I wouldn't be surprised if its been done, and if it were to be done, it has a slim chance of success, but I'd like to hear a live, 1-take recording of free-form improvisational metal music. This would be similar to many jazz recordings, but done it the metal style.

Planet Gemini :kickass:
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
How about a capella metal? :lol:

That would be wild. It would bring together the SCREAMERS and the GRUNTERS and the FALSETTO'S. Could you imagine all that going on at once in some sort of Metal Opera.

Bohemian Rhapsody Look Out!!!!:lol:
How about The Death Metal Harmonica Gang

we've had perversely evil metal, ridiculously epic metal, very intimate and relaxing metal, visual soundtrack-style metal... what hasn't been done is, well, so much has been done within the genre...
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
I wouldn't be surprised if its been done, and if it were to be done, it has a slim chance of success, but I'd like to hear a live, 1-take recording of free-form improvisational metal music. This would be similar to many jazz recordings, but done it the metal style.


How about a capella metal? :lol:

well shit, if live takes is what you're interested in I should start posting. We record a good 30 minutes of live jam about 3 or 4 times a week. It helps when we're writing music. You know, like if you're a lil buzzed and something really cool comes out, you have it recorded... cause you know you won't remember it later... hahaha

We used to video all our live gigs. So we actually have live vids posted on our site from as far back as the late 80's and early 90's. We were just kids back then but I thought one day the vids would be useful. They suck up A LOT of hits on the website. Even the ones where I was prego with twins!

People just LIKE "LIVE" I guess. It's an easy way to ascertain whether a band can really play.

Don't you just hate it when you get a CD and the band sounds bad ass and then you go see em live and wonder who the hell recorded what you bought? hahaha

As for acapella metal... we could always just post raw vox tracks.

I personally like to get my vox trax in one take. Cut ins never have the same feel. know what I mean?
Almost everything had been done (atleast that my mind can conjure). To be original is pretty hard. My band is somewhat original. We're Symphonic Industrial Black-Death Metal with Doom-Thrash Undertones. Not even kidding, it's pretty rad. I have the odd task of vocalling it to. :)