"16. What if grunge had never appeared?"
Hair metal would have still remained popular and labels still would be interested in it. When you think about thank god for nirvana,soundgarden,alice in chainsetc... for killing that trend making it more open for different music. Extreme metal was on the rise and labels interests in hair bands was dead. You know that helped extreme music atleast alitte and new music generations to begin by hair bands being over. Nirvana helped kill something to start something different that was needed for the 90's. The diversity with what people can like and listen to needed too happen. People were not really open to anything except hair bands and 80's pop music. Nirvana was like fuck you. I don't even like Nirvana's music but that attitude you can sence within them musically and fashion wise not caring about what else was going is significant. I love people who go against the grain and don't care. That's what music is about.