What is opeth's best guitar CD


Mar 27, 2004
Hi all,

I run a guitar instruction site and have a sugguested listening section, about 10 people have requested I put Opeth on the list but I've never even heard them before (I'm sure in this room that makes me a real dork... but what can you do.). Is there one or two CDs you could sugguest I listen to first. If there is one with really cool guitar stuff on it that would be best.

Well.....In my opinion - Opeth's first two albums, Orchid and Morningrise, have "cooler guitars" mainly because they are more riffloaded than the later albums. On the other hand Opeth kind of changed the guitar sound on their next five albums so now they have more of a - "woah....that's awesome" Kind of sound. Ok....Maybe that was a shitty explanation but there is definately a sound change from Morningrise to MAYH because they dropped the whole twin guitar thing. Bottom line - If you want crazy twin guitar riffing awesomeness, go for Orchid and Morningrise......or......if you want more technical and complex music with crazy solos and chord progressions, go for everything else. Hope that helped :D
Orchid and Morningrise more "riffloaded"? Perhaps you should define "riff", because in my understanding of that little word, neither of those releases have the massive "riffload" attack that My Arms, Your Hearse does. Strange...
BLackwater86 said:
Bottom line - If you want crazy twin guitar riffing awesomeness, go for Orchid and Moningrise......or......if you want more technical and complex music with crazy solos and chord progressions, go for everything else. Hope that helped :D

PRECISELY why i don't really care for Morningrise and Orchid......i mean, they've both got their moments (if slightly sparse), but the guitar tone SUCKS, and the riffs aren't very good in the first place (well, at least not good enough to repeat everything like 5 times each....)

to me, The Drapery Falls strikes me as the "cool" guitar song, mostly because of the dissonant octaves (they're mixed kinda low, but they're there) that are in the first heavy riffs.... (not to mention, the song has awesome solo work, and the quintessential folksy acoustic sound)

just my $0.02
What I meant was that in the first two albums, or at least in orchid, there is simply a whole "load" of "riffs". In orchid it seems that after ever singing interlude it changes into a different riff which makes for something like fifteen riffs in every song. Sure MAYH may have better riffs, but not as many riffs as orchid does.
Still Life is Opeth's most challenging guitar-wise. It is also coincidentally their most layered and quite possibly most mature album. If you want a CD for a guitar instruction thing, then I would heartily suggest you look at Still Life first.
Thanks again all

I guess I'll start with Still Life and move on from there. You guys are a big help.

Sodomizer of Mankind - thank you too

I think the suggested listening for metal bands on your site is horribly outdated consisting primarily of 80s hair bands such as Lita Ford, Van Halen, Slash, Randy Rhoads; and overrated genre giants such as Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Ozzy, Zakk Wylde...

Might I suggest:

(Bold are essentials)

Emperor - Black Metal (early stuff was anyway)
At The Gates - Melodic Death Metal
Death (esp. The Sound of Perseverence) - Technical Death Metal
Control Denied - Technical Death with Clean Vocals (best I can describe it)
In Flames - Melodic Death (older material only)
Into Eternity -Progressive Death/Power Metal
Jag Panzer - Power Metal
Nevermore - Power/Thrash
Andromeda - Prog Metal
Enslaved - Viking Metal
Evergrey - Prog Metal
Ebony Tears - Melodic Death Metal
Nonexist - Melodic Death Metal

but seriously... the stuff you have listed as metal is mostly shitty 80s thrash and glam rock (read "pop") music.
NicodemiX - your right I guess I'm showing my age cause I don't know any of the bands you sugguested. Truth be told, most of the metal bands were added by request of my viewer. When I started this list it was mostly guys from the Jazz, Blues, and Classical genres, guys like Chet Atkins. (I figured everyone would know who the big metal guys were and most people wouldn't know the people I had listed). I'm afraid the list is lossing it's real intention now a days it's kinda becoming a list of everyones favorite guitarist rather than a list of great players who offer something truly different.

But I guess should also get with the times and with the wishes of my viewers (most of them seem to be into heaver stuff). So, I'll take a listen to the guys you mentioned and put up the ones I like.

NicodemiX - your right I guess I'm showing my age cause I don't know any of the bands you sugguested. Truth be told, most of the metal bands were added by request of my viewer. When I started this list it was mostly guys from the Jazz, Blues, and Classical genres, guys like Chet Atkins. Basicly look for the names you don't know and that's probably who I put up there, I figured everyone would know who the big metal guys were and most people wouldn't know the people I had listed. I'm afraid the list is lossing it's real intention now a days it's kinda becoming a list of everyones favorite guitarist rather than a list of great players who offer something truly different.

I guess should get with the times, and with the wishes of my viewers (most of them seem to be into heaver stuff). So, I'll take a listen to the guys you mentioned and put up the ones I like.

Yeah, Mike7771, I really enjoy your site, and putting anything Opeth related on it would only make it better. You really can't go wrong getting anything by them, because they've definitely got a lot going on with guitars. If you were to try to find the most unique and technical playing from them, it would be on the album Still Life, but the more classic kind of Maiden-ish playing style can be found on the earlier two albums, Orchid and Morningrise, as people have already mentioned.
Mike7771 said:
NicodemiX - your right I guess I'm showing my age cause I don't know any of the bands you sugguested. Truth be told, most of the metal bands were added by request of my viewer. When I started this list it was mostly guys from the Jazz, Blues, and Classical genres, guys like Chet Atkins. (I figured everyone would know who the big metal guys were and most people wouldn't know the people I had listed). I'm afraid the list is lossing it's real intention now a days it's kinda becoming a list of everyones favorite guitarist rather than a list of great players who offer something truly different.

But I guess should also get with the times and with the wishes of my viewers (most of them seem to be into heaver stuff). So, I'll take a listen to the guys you mentioned and put up the ones I like.


no problem...

I strongly suggest that you start with Andromeda, Control Denied, Carcass (Heartwork Album), and Into Eternity (They just released an album called Buried in Oblivion that I highly reccomend you check out)

these ones are probobly the most guitar oriented and you'll enjoy them the most, then possibly the Evergrey...

Glad to be a help :)
Hey Mike, I agree with others here, nice site. I'm glad there are still people offering to teach without having to be paid for it. The world needs more of people like you, then perhaps we'll have more and better guitar players and less Linkin Parks.

You can't really go wrong with Still Life, if you don't like it straight away, have patience, you'll soon come to love it. As for guitar work, you can sample any riff on Still Life as a lesson. From the classic accoustic parts in Face of Melinda (also the main distorted riff - one of my favourite riffs ever) to simple acoustic (albeit ripped from camel) guitarwork in Benighted.

I also agree with Nicodemix's advice of listening to Andromeda. Extension of the Wish is a fantastic album. Technical and Progressive, in a differnt vein from the cliché'd Dream theatre approach.