What is the purpose of an argument?

Perhaps there was a natural disaster, like a plague, or an earthquake that forced her offline? Perhaps Jesus was reborn and commanded her to stop typing?

:eek: Even more implausible! What is she got tired and went to bed!?
You post the official, dictionary meaning as if noone else knows it. And that is your whole post, your addition to the argument. It's as if you're not even taking part in the actual argument - your the mouthpiece for the dictionary.

I don't post dictionary meanings all the time. I've done it a LOT more today because the literal definitions of the words seemed to be good evidence to what I was trying to say. I KNOW there are connotations to words. But there's only so much connotating you can do. And besides, you have to know the denotation of the word before you start connotating, or you'll come off as an idiot. I don't think some (oh geez, there I go generalizing) people know the true meanings of words. Alright, here we go with your "argument" - what is the purpose? The purpose of an argument is to make a valid point, using evidence/fact to support your theory. If you are not convincing to the other person you're arguing with, then this person will respond, also using evidence/fact to support their claim. In the process of arguing, you can learn, just as in the process of growing up, you learn how to tie your shoes, add and subtract, read, write, etc. An argument cut and dry is "debating." Within the debate, you have the opportunity to learn something. If my husband and I are having an argument, we are physically debating, exchanging words with the intent to convince the other person of our views. That is what an argument is. WITHIN this argument, there is opportunity to learn something insightful or whatever. I view the act of arguing as just that - an act - For example, two sets of people are pulling a rope to see who can win. One set of people use logic and teamwork to pull the rope to the win. They try again. The other group learned from their mistake, and from watching the group that just won, and applied it to themselves and added their own improvements, and won. Then the first group noticed what they did, and made better adjustments, and win. I mean, that's how I see an argument. It's not always a win-win situation, but the process is what I'm applying here. Within the process you learn. And besides, it won't end until you reach a stalemate or the other team can't figure out another way to improve their game, and they repeatedly lose.
Coroners report: Spinal degradation caused by repetative strain of the neck-vertebre 2, 3, 7. Tendon damage to index, ring, and middle fingers on both hands. Advanced cataract-tumors caused by excessive exposure to radiation being emmitted from a home PC monitor.

Cause of death: Spontaneous Human Combustion, cause unknown.
Originally posted by Trapped
Coroners report: Spinal degradation caused by repetative strain of the neck-vertebre 2, 3, 7. Tendon damage to index, ring, and middle fingers on both hands. Advanced cataract-tumors caused by excessive exposure to radiation being emmitted from a home PC monitor.

Cause of death: Spontaneous Human Combustion, cause unknown.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Sullen Jester
It is win-win, unless one or more parties refuse to accept new knowledge.

Only if the knowledge is real/relevant can it be taken in as new knowledge. If it's bullshit, then I'm not taking it in. If it's unfounded, I'm not taking it in. If you present no evidence, I'm not taking it in. Not every argument ends with learning, and it has nothing to do with ignorance or refusal. Some topics are cut and dry: do you agree or disagree. It is the why part that gets people going: one person states their reason why, and if it's accepted, it's "right on, dude, I agree totally,"; if it's not accepted, get ready to defend your view over and over and over and over and over again...

I'm intelligent, but not a genius. I'm more of a realist than into abstractness (although I try). I try to be insightful, but since I write in tube lettering and for some reason my posts seem like they're insulting everybody, I then get 20 people contradicting my beliefs and I have to defend myself from all of them.
Jannet. You remind me of my estranged older brother. You two seem to think and speak EXACTLY alike.

Next thing I'll probably find out your last name starts with an H and you recently got a sex change. :lol:
If its unfounded, if it's irrevelant, you can still take it in. Then you know what they're point of view is, you don't have to believe it though.

Are you saying by this, unless they prove to you what their saying is true, you're not going to even pay attention to it?

And yes, you are intelligent.

From the day you learnt to do something NOT by impulse, reaction, but by choice, by YOUR thoughts, you have been "intelligent". If you were stuck in a remedial class, if you were "retarded", you are still intelligent, because you can do things by choice.

You don't need a high "IQ" to be intelligent, you just need to be able to think.
Belial, kiss my Puerto Rican ass after a good shit. See? Why the hell do I bother posting anything? It took me a good 10 minutes to write that, and all you can do is har-har it to death. And Sullen's implying that "From the day you learnt to do something NOT by impulse, reaction, but by choice, by YOUR thoughts, you have been "intelligent". If you were stuck in a remedial class, if you were "retarded", you are still intelligent, because you can do things by choice.

You don't need a high "IQ" to be intelligent, you just need to be able to think.

You know, you guys are fucking real free with the insults. Thanks Sullen, I needed that. Perhaps I'll really do you the favor and leave this forum, since no one has any qualms about insulting a person (implying or otherwise), and they applaud the effort. Don't you think words hurt? You think it's funny making people feel like shit? And yes, you're making me feel like shit. As opposed to how you view me, I view you as fucking people behind the screen, with feelings. You know what, fuck you all...and get preparation H for your hemorroidal asshole mouths...since all it does is spew SHIT....(huh..is that pieces of me coming out of your mouths? It looks like it, since all you motherfuckers are dead-set focused on me).
Originally posted by Jannet
Belial, kiss my Puerto Rican ass after a good shit. See? Why the hell do I bother posting anything? It took me a good 10 minutes to write that, and all you can do is har-har it to death. And Sullen's implying that "From the day you learnt to do something NOT by impulse, reaction, but by choice, by YOUR thoughts, you have been "intelligent". If you were stuck in a remedial class, if you were "retarded", you are still intelligent, because you can do things by choice.

You don't need a high "IQ" to be intelligent, you just need to be able to think.

You know, you guys are fucking real free with the insults. Thanks Sullen, I needed that. Perhaps I'll really do you the favor and leave this forum, since no one has any qualms about insulting a person (implying or otherwise), and they applaud the effort. Don't you think words hurt? You think it's funny making people feel like shit? And yes, you're making me feel like shit. As opposed to how you view me, I view you as fucking people behind the screen, with feelings. You know what, fuck you all...and get preparation H for your hemorroidal asshole mouths...since all it does is spew SHIT....

Where did he insult you? :confused:

And you've obviously misinterpreted my small joke as an insult. Quick to take offense, just like my brother. For future reference a :lol: usually denotes a joke with no hostile intent.