What is the purpose of an argument?

If I insulted you, I am sorry, but that is not my intent.

I am saying: Yes I think you are intelligent, very intelligent. I think everyone here is.

If you took the defining parts in that comment as a degoratory statement about your intelligence, then I must have fucked the structure of it.
Originally posted by Belial
Jannet. You remind me of my estranged older brother. You two seem to think and speak EXACTLY alike.

Next thing I'll probably find out your last name starts with an H and you recently got a sex change. :lol:

Insult? Ding Ding Ding...yeah...I thought you wanted to know my feelings on arguments, but no..you equate me with your "Estranged" older brother and the last name H and sex change....har har har....was this supposed to be serious?
Originally posted by Belial

Where did he insult you? :confused:

And you've obviously misinterpreted my small joke as an insult. Quick to take offense, just like my brother. For future reference a :lol: usually denotes a joke with no hostile intent.

There's a time for jokes, and if you wanted a serious response (since you made it quite clear that you were interested in finding out about me as a person), and I took the time and effort to give you one, and if you respond with a joke...that tells me that you really didn't give a shit about anything I had to say about the topic (dedicated to me pffffffffft).
Originally posted by Jannet

Insult? Ding Ding Ding...yeah...I thought you wanted to know my feelings on arguments, but no..you equate me with your "Estranged" older brother and the last name H and sex change....har har har....was this supposed to be serious?

I did originally, and still do, however the flow of the conversation has obviously strayed away from the original question. A common occurence here.

If my sex-change joke insulted you, then I must apologize. Sometimes I get carried away with my sense of humor. I was, however serious when I said you remind me of my brother. You're thoughts, opinions, and attitudes are almost identical. It's uncanny.
Originally posted by Jannet

There's a time for jokes, and if you wanted a serious response (since you made it quite clear that you were interested in finding out about me as a person), and I took the time and effort to give you one, and if you respond with a joke...that tells me that you really didn't give a shit about anything I had to say about the topic (dedicated to me pffffffffft).

As I said in my earlier reply...

Also, you really are way too quick to take offense. We are not your enemies. This isn't a battlefield.

Also, the thread was inspired by you, yes, devoted to you? Hardly.
:lol: I think it's funny how all this tension is building when I'm doing my absolute best to diffuse the tension and be friendly. I think at this point I could say that I think Jannet is the most wonderful person in the world and she'd find a reason to be insulted by it.
Originally posted by Sullen Jester
I do not think you can determine the difference between an insult, and a joke, when either is about/directed to you.

What?????????? How can you tell me when a joke is not insulting to me???? Yes you fucking can. If you're joking, and I took it as an insult, who the hell are you to tell me that it wasn't insulting?
Originally posted by Belial
:lol: I think it's funny how all this tension is building when I'm doing my absolute best to diffuse the tension and be friendly. I think at this point I could say that I think Jannet is the most wonderful person in the world and she'd find a reason to be insulted by it.

No, I'd think you were full of shit, since I haven't really given much evidence to my wonderful side at this time.
Originally posted by Belial

I did originally, and still do, however the flow of the conversation has obviously strayed away from the original question. A common occurence here.

If my sex-change joke insulted you, then I must apologize. Sometimes I get carried away with my sense of humor. I was, however serious when I said you remind me of my brother. You're thoughts, opinions, and attitudes are almost identical. It's uncanny.

So, um..my response to your argument thread is for nothing, huh....you'll most likely find a way to pick it apart anyway and call it your "estranged" brother's thinking....oooohhhh..let me go get a sex change and change my last name to something that starts with the letter H!!!!!!
Originally posted by Jannet

So, um..my response to your argument thread is for nothing, huh....you'll most likely find a way to pick it apart anyway and call it your "estranged" brother's thinking....oooohhhh..let me go get a sex change and change my last name to something that starts with the letter H!!!!!!

Originally posted by Belial

That's the truth.

hehehe..but according to one of the people here, people can have alter egos on the Internet..perhaps this is just a front and I'm really this mild-mannered, sweet tart who's got cute little dimples and has a dog named fluffy with a liddle bow in her pwedy liddle head.....
Originally posted by Somberlain
I do not see where Belial insulted you Jannet,You took that way to seriously...Alot of people joke around here..

Hehehehe..don't I know it..Wolff calls me a stupid bitch and everyone thinks it's a ha-ha funny...I know a lot of people joke around here..Mysanthrope has called me every filthy name in the book because he was against one of my opinions, and what did someone post? :lol: , and you know what else? "that wasn't very nice, but I sure do enjoy your rantings, hahahaha"...that's a joke too.hahahahahaha...damn, it was so funny...hahahahahhaa
My frustration levels are peaking right now. Probably because it's so late and I'm tired.

So I'll go to bed before I say anything else that insults the hell out of Jannet and turns my beloved Opeth forum into a battlefield.

Good night.
Originally posted by Somberlain
I do not see where Belial insulted you Jannet,You took that way to seriously...Alot of people joke around here..

This is absurd and, I suspect, the very core of her grievance. Thread after thread, post after post- all dedicated to the unjust mistreatment of another human being, who only happens to be an insomniac. Read the context: there are several threads on the board - all of which are anti-Jannet threads- - how else should she take things? Even Jayde didn't get it this bad. It's fucking appalling. She's ganged up on and you guys think she's not going to be sensitive about it? It looks like we're made of the stuff which we as misanthropes hate, doesn't it? This board astonishes me.

I hope, Jannet, more apologies will be forthcoming. Though..allow me this aside: you did misunderstand the purpose of my other post. It's moot now, so I won't address it, unless you want me to.