What is your opinion on Deathcore?

I liked ID at first but...nah. Not so much anymore...bland and generic. The lyrics don't matter really, though they are funny.
some bands are good, but most of them are shit. Just like all other genres.
you gotta see suicide silence live to appreiciate them, they have one of the best vocalists around and one hell of a stage show

i must disagree with that statement. saw them live about 6 months ago, the vocalist sucks and they have the same stage presence as the rest of the deathcore bands out there
Every single fucking band has the same merch design.

I might post a link of a band from my high school. The gear that these guys play at their age is insane, and yet they still fucking suck.
Good deathcore is good, and great live. Bad deathcore is absolutely abysmal.
Whitechapel are cool. Some of the more technical deathcore can be cool. It can also devolve into wankery, of course.
This is the faggotry that deathcore often becomes. A couple minutes in there's some hardcore dancing that almost made me fall out of my chair.
Fat guy, longhaired guy with guitar at nipples, asshole in gym shorts with what I call the asshole haircut shouting "this is where people get hurt," drummer playing non-stop breakdown beats, and a lethargic crowd of deathcore morons.
tbh that just sounds pretty generic. Doesn't sound particularly shitty aside from the vocals. Which absolutely suck.
How they think this is epic is beyond me, though.
mostly deathcore sucks. all shall perish, veil of maya, winds of plague, & the anylist are the cream of the genre in my opinion.
I try to restrict myself from listening to such core genres.
However, i find All Shall Perish interesting.