What makes you get up in the morning?


Unrepentant sentient
Jan 26, 2002
Lookout mountain
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Please, no 'my alarm clock, har har har' style answers! ;)

So, what makes you get up in the morning, what makes life worth living for you? Is it loved ones, a sense of duty? Do you just enjoy every day and find yourself looking forward to the prospect of another day full of experiences, or do you live life on autopilot, just cruising from point A to point B? Do you set yourself any sort of goal, have any requirements that will make that day successful for you? Or do you prefer a 'I'll see what happens' mentality? Maybe you just don't care either way, so long as there's a paycheque at the end.

So guys, spill.
Dammit, I was gonna answer exactly that :p

I like my major, so that's one reason for starters. It's tough sometimes, with maths and physics and all.. and Im not a very ambitious or diligent person, so..
About the life part.. well, I dont dislike my life. I try to enjoy it as much as I can.. there is a lot of "autopiloting" though. It doesnt feel as grey as it should, now that I think of it. I think that all in all it's getting better anyway, so I dont want to complain :)
Hell, if you don't get up and out of bed nothing interesting will ever happen to you.

I get up to see what new things might happen everyday. I might learn something that I didnt' know before. I might meet someone new. I might get a nice compliment from someone. I might think of a good idea. I might have a great meal. I might hear a new song I like, or notice something new in an old song I love.

Life is about the little things, and the big events. But you have to get up to experience them.

Just my 2 cents.
Well, there's nothing particular I could cling to, not a certain thing which is driving me - I'm not a car or something to be refueled (in any way).

Every morning = is a brand new day. And - whatever happens.

It's life and I love it :Spin:
as valentein said, its just the fact that everyday can bring something new and unexpected beside the usual routine... also the look at the mountains, the nature around me, the thought about the next travel or next gig, the happiness to see loved ones again etc... this keeps me going... :)
it's usually a pelvic thrust. *pelvic thrusts* that, and the knowledge i haven't been brainwashed by a cult disguised as a motivational self-help routine telling me how beautiful life is if i look real hard. yet.

the reason why i drag my ass to work is that each day gets me closer to the end of the year when i'll leave this country and move in with liz. links with other incidents are merely coincidental.
@rahvin: don't you forget about the inner beauty of, say, your best friend as a motivation to appreciate the world. :p

technically, i don't know why i get up in the morning in a deeper sense. well, i know it in a general sense - to "love and praise God" as the Scripture has it, which has nothing to do with throwing God-themed parties but rather to encounter the design for happiness that is there for me somewhere if i only understand it and, simultaneously, cooperate in its creation.

in a specific sense, i have inklings here and there about how this understanding/cooperation might be carried out, but it's hard work - for example, these days i'm positively obsessed by the rightful and desirable separation between the field of religion proper and the sciences, including the one i practice directly. i get up in the morning to go out and try to understand the interplay between the moral obligations of a researcher - where do ethics enter my reasoning? it's not "my practice" because i'm an economist and not a doctor, but still the problem is there, and it's in defining the object of study - and the necessary independence of the scientific analysis/method from the ways of the faith. in a nutshell, this means reading tons of christian and non-christian epistemology during cigarette breaks, lunch breaks, and me-breaks when i should sleep but don't because, you know, i just have to know. so far i'm not positive i have a systematic view of what belongs where and how but i have teh pile of stuff to read and i'll have my victory. :p

as a complement - don't ask me how the two sides relate to each other, i just said that i have no idea - these days i get up in the morning to go to work and do things in order to maintain a sense of accomplishment and my precious freedom while the world is crumbilng down. i'll need to be extra tough in the near future, for reasons beyond my control.

this said, the getting-up phase is over and i need to go to work.
i like uni, so i'm happy to go there, and spend good part of the day being silly with friends and boyfriend. in the evening then when i come home from the town where i study i usually see my friend which is always cool :cool:
.. to create music, to listen to music, to interact with wondrous people and in hope of one of those rare unexpected special moments/opportunities coming along.
A lot of the time I don't even get up in the morning, probably only 3 days a week. ;) I'm incredibly lazy like that. What makes me get up in a literal sense is the need for food, or college, or to watch something on tv (Saturdays only).

As for what makes life worth living, I spend quite a lot of my time in bed trying to work that one out. I can't really put my finger on anything specific, which is kind of worrying in a way. Two days of the week I look forward to talking to a certain girl at college whose company is quite enjoyable. Apart from that I only keep going to college in an attempt to get a good grade so that I won't waste yet another year. I go to work to gain money for nothing in particular. There is still the distant aim of going travelling to the far east or teaching there for a year or so, but most of the time I think of it as a pipe dream, either because I'll never make it happen or because I won't be able to handle it if I do. So I suppose at the moment there is a large autopilot switch that I have no real motivation to turn off.

rahvin said:
it's usually a pelvic thrust. *pelvic thrusts*
Now that's hot.
For me, life is pretty much on autopilot at the moment, I'm just trying to pass the time until the next big event in my life, namely going off to university in England this autumn. So lately I've mainly been getting up to sort out the paperwork that comes with it, but that's really been my only purpose. I had an internship at the Tourist Office for 4 weeks, which made me feel quite useful, it was nice coming home around 5.15pm knowing I'd done something with my day, so consequently that feeling made me get up the morning after.

But of course, the thought of loved ones also plays a huge part; if I didn't have them, I doubt I'd get up at all. Unfortunately, they're not all in the same place, or even in the same country, which can be incredibly frustrating at times... But naturally, the prospect of meeting again soon is another driving factor in the whole rising-procedure ;)

Other than that, it's really the small things. Like that afternoon cup of coffee with whatever I've baked before. Perhaps today I'll have a glass of that lovely liqueur. We're having something incredibly nice for dinner (yes, yes, a lot of food and alcohol, but it's actually nice). There's a good movie on tonight, or something on tv that always puts a smile on my face. I have the honour of continuing on a very interesting book. Nice weather, excellent for a walk. Stuff like that. Not to mention what could possibly happen in the future; I could get to go places, meet people I always hoped I'd meet, see things, do things, etc. You never know.
Dark_Jester said:
As for the rest, do you see yourself doing something worthwhile with what you do in college, or is it just a stepping stone for you that you'd like to get out of the way?
Nothing really worthwhile. The only reason I went back to college was because I didn't know what else to do, and 4 A-levels looks better than 3. After June I'll need to get a full-time job, and I remain utterly stumped as to what I'll do.
rahvin said:
...I'll leave this country and move in with liz.
Oooh, you guys have come out of the closet :p

I'm going to be cheesy now, just a warning :p
The only thing that makes me get up in the morning are the people (and non-people) i love, which means my pets, my boyfriend, and my suicidal best friend. I used to hate getting up in the morning, but now i don't, because i know that it's just another great day for me to spend with my boyfriend, not doing anything special, just lying in his arms on the couch watching Friends all day :p
Then again, when i have to get up only to leave before he gets home from work and go to my parents' house, it's depressing.
My reason for living is simply the fact that i've promised my dearest ones that i won't leave them. My pets need me, my best friend would commit suicide if something happened to me, my boyfriend would die if i left him, and my sister would probably spend the rest of her life in a mental hospital. This is what these people have told me themselves.
It also works the other way around though. If i lost those people i'd have no reason to exist anymore.
When there's something special happening, that's another reason to get out of bed. Like travelling, or festivals/gigs, or meeting a friend that i haven't seen for a long time. Small things and not so small things, but the main thing is love :p
wow.... love, yes... sometimes I really wish the sleepless and lonely times could be over.. dont get me wrong, I really enjoy to be on my own and busy all the time but still there is something missing to make it perfect. I can be so happy alone too but I prefer to share it with someone...