What was the first metal album you got?


May 19, 2001
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This is the kind of thread that pops up a lot I suppose but the ow you got into Opeth thread reminded me of how I got into metal. I got into metal back in 1994 through a firend at school. Just ended up sitting next to a dude who ended up being one of my best mates. The first 2 CD's I bought were Carcass - Necroticism and Heartwork. Also picked up Aussie band Alchemist - Jar of Kingdom (this is a classic if you get the chance to scope it - a bit wierd for some though). After that it was black and death all the way - napalm death, Emperor, Immortal, satyricon, Amorphis, and of course Opeth.

Prior to that I was into rock music mostly. During my formative years from 13 to 15 I listened to the Doors alomost exclusively. Liked other old stuff too like the Animals etc. By 1993 Pearl Jam were my fave band (remember only up to Vs existed then - after this they went downhill IMO - Vitalogy is still pretty good). Started to listen to heavier stuff like Alice in Chains and living Colour after this but really jumped headfirst into metal once i found it. But this all led into metal basically.


Paul D.
My first metal album was Metallica- Garage Inc. , prior to this I was listening to mostly pop/rock stuff, occasionally some mainstream punk. The first CD I ever bought was the Verve's Urban Hymns (which is to this day still one of my favorite albums).I didn't get into music until relatively late (around 14 years old), though I have made up for a lot of lost time.
i cant remember exactly, but it was hair-metal of some sort.
Probably Def Leppard's "Hysteria" or Motley Crue's "Dr Feelgood" or Poison's "Open Up And Say Ahh...." or something.
but i mean those are as metal as todays nu-metal, so after that was probably metallica or something, god i dont remember at all.
Iron Maiden - The Number of the Beast. I got it about 10 or 11 years ago. After that Maiden was the only band in the world for me for about 3 or 4 years then I got into more extreme metal (Slayer, Obituary, Sepultura, Amorphis, Carcass etc...)