What your fans think of your decision.


New Metal Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fairfield, CT (USA)
The Off Topic forum was a large part of many fans lives, and we spent a lot of time there. UltimateMetal is a great community, and you are fucking it up. I am not the only person who thinks this.
Let's hear what others have to say.

Dude, the off-topic area moved so far away from being sensible (and I was as much to blame for that as anyone, but hell...), who cares if it was moved from one labeled forum to another? All the same people clicking their same links show up in the old forum, with all their posts still there.

If it's the same people looking at the same posts, what difference does it make if it's an Opeth off-topic chat forum on UM, or just a UM off-topic chat forum?

I mean damn man, this isn't anything to get upset about.
It was better here, because most of the people drawn to it were atleast Opeth fans. And what's gonna happen now when an old thread that's off topic gets bumped up on this board? Is that gonna get moved over to Chat? Seems to me to be unneccessarily disrupting the history of this place.......
This forum will now have off topic included.

but it's Opeth off topic only

I'm tempted to fuck with the place to the point of being banned.
Nah man, don't do that, that'll just create more of a job for Mark, and it wasn't his decision, atleast he moved us, not deleted us. He's probably getting enough crap for this move as it is ;)

As I see it, if you don't like the move, don't post in the Opeth forum anymore. Less traffic = less interest.
Like some guy said before, it's squishing together two communities now, the chat crowd and the off-topic crowd. I think a seperate forum for off-topic would be a good idea.

Not that I have much of a say, I don't pay to post here.
Wasnt there an off-Topic thread that said "What would you do if UM got taken away?", or something of that sort?
Well the band never posts here, except for Mikael every now and then, so I really doubt it's him going, "to hell with that off topic board!"
I strongly doubt he or certainly any of the other members give a shit about the forum really.
It seems like it was basically deleted because whoever deceided to do it felt it was basically useless since there is already a chat forum for music and nonmusic discussion, plus they were having to pay for it.

The Opeth chat/off-topic board was cooler than the UM Chat forum is, but I wouldn't say it was "a large part" of my life, it was just something to do when I'm bored or have too much free time.
Eh, I think it's pretty lame.. but whatever. Having an Off Topic forum within the Opeth board meant that the different people posting together were at least bound together by being Opeth fans (or something like that)

And besides, now where am I going to go for prog rock talk ;)
Cama_Zotz said:
Wasnt there an off-Topic thread that said "What would you do if UM got taken away?", or something of that sort?
that was my thread, what the fuck is with this shit??? i never knew it would actually happen :(
Jim LotFP said:
Dude, the off-topic area moved so far away from being sensible (and I was as much to blame for that as anyone, but hell...), who cares if it was moved from one labeled forum to another? All the same people clicking their same links show up in the old forum, with all their posts still there.

If it's the same people looking at the same posts, what difference does it make if it's an Opeth off-topic chat forum on UM, or just a UM off-topic chat forum?

I mean damn man, this isn't anything to get upset about.
UM 'Chatters' smell funny, that's why. :oops:

Static said:
Like some guy said before, it's squishing together two communities now, the chat crowd and the off-topic crowd. I think a seperate forum for off-topic would be a good idea.

Not that I have much of a say, I don't pay to post here.
'Off Topic'....'Chat'.

'Off Topic'..................'Chat'.


Just more people. And all the pansies that are leaving within the first 24hrs of the 'change' are retarded. At least wait for things to settle down first. Do you have any idea how many folk we lost when Opeth when to Opeth + Off Topic? :err:

Smitty said:
I say we invade the Opeth on-topic, and make it like it was back in teh day (2001).
Full of intelligent, on topic conversations? :err:

That'd be FUCKING GREAT as I see it, somehow I don't think the majority of members could pull it off though. :rolleyes:
Dude, first off, who said it was Opeth's doing.

Second of all, considering they pay money for the forum's continual existence and all of the nonsense going on in there, can you really blame them if they did?
Mark said:
After a request from Opeth.com, the off-topic forum has been closed, and all threads therein have been moved to UM's general chat forum (a link has been placed at the top of this forum for your convenience).

Please note, this forum is for Opeth discussion only. Flame wars, personal attacks, and other disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated - anyone wishing to push these limits may well find their account suspended without notice.

This forum is provided (and paid for) by Opeth for discussion about the band's music and performances. Please refrain from using it for anything else.
