What's left for Opeth to do, musically?


Opeth fanboy
Feb 5, 2002
People complain that all their albums sound the same, and (though they don't...) I wonder, what exactly could Opeth do to make 'em not sound the same? They've explored every musical style from Death Metal to Punk to Country... all I can really think of that they haven't done is added hip-hop and electronica elements, but I doubt any one wants that... Hell, they even added some custom precussion on Wreath, and I mean, c'mon, who actually expected it to just break into a bongo-fest right there?
Well I can't speak for everybody, but I know from the first time that I ever heard Opeth, couple years ago, I said "One day they will make a song that will turn into a bongo-fest right in the middle of it" Freaked even me out when I heard Wreath.:)
Originally posted by Schraiber
They've explored every musical style from Death Metal to Punk to Country.


With an honourable mention to:

Edge of Sanity
Dark Tranquillity
I would like to see them doing a disco album!!

If they did this, I think we'd have another Columbine on our hands, and it wouldn't be because 'the music told me to' but because it would be the only option left to me after such a travesty!
"To punk to country" ??? ok, guess I never heard those songs. I think ormir is right on this one. those bands, especially Ulver and all Dan Swanö's stuff (well havent heard Dodheimsgard or bathory) are more diverse than Opeth. They arent gonna make a bunch of experimental stuff like garm does.
Yes, they've basically only played in a few closely related metal styles, with some jazz, folk, and a little other mixed in. I've heard zero punk content, and there's only a tiny hint of country influence in some riffs. Their style is diverse, but they don't divert from their style. Well, they do with Damnation I imagine, but that's not out yet, none of us have heard it to know just what it's like.
I doubt that Opeth will ever deviate completely from their two biggest influences, death metal and progressive rock, and will always explore from those bases...although I think if Damnation is successful enough and if Mikael continues to regard it as a genuine artistic expression we may see more albums like it.
I don't think Mikael will ever say that he has nothing left to prove or accomplish, and I certainly hope not...when you start believing that, you begin to stagnate.
they shold write an opera and perform it for a summer in one place, with one cast(?probably not the proper terminology) but yeah, i think they could write an opera
A DVD would be nice... some live footage, maybe some song clips (if they ever decide to do any)... I think I'd be as happy with one of these as I would with a new album.

After Damnation, and the long break I think Mikael will come in refreshed and really influenced from his upcoming side-project (rumoured) with Steve Wilson.. I think there's alot more Opeth we've yet to hear, so much more to explore... and well, I can't wait.
A LOT of their drum work is VERY similar to drum work in hardcore bands, IE much more groove based, with lots of the beat carried by the cymbals/high hats.

The country aspect comes in in a lot of their acoustic work. I mena like, classic country, not this modern crap...
This subject & some of the postings have me a bit confused...
1st of all, I've never heard anything that sounded remotely punkish, or country in an Opeth song. Yes country has acoustics & Opeth has acoustics, but they don't sound anything alike IMO.
As far as new musical experimentations, well, theres plenty of instruments that they could impliment, like they did with the slide guitar in BWP.

Either way, whatever they try will probably be good, just as long as they don't stray too far from their roots...then they would be a different bad, regardless of what anyone says.
Originally posted by Schraiber
People complain that all their albums sound the same, and (though they don't...) I wonder, what exactly could Opeth do to make 'em not sound the same? They've explored every musical style from Death Metal to Punk to Country...

What? Have they done punk? ;) and country also? great. thats just great.
I too have never heard any punk or country in their music! Saying that "They've explored every musical style" is downright untrue! I've never heard classical, pop, latin, jazz (although some claim), psychedelic rock, funk, jazz-funk, afro-funk, soul, soundtrack music, folk (although some claim), singer/songwriter, hippie rock (which I guess can be a little similar to singer/songwriter), drum n' bass, trip hop, hip hop, downbeat, lounge (whatever that means as both John Barry & Lee Hazlewood are labeled lounge by some! What a fake genre!), naked music, house, grunge, ambient, chill out, etc. in their music! The only things I've heard, as someone said, is the prog influences and the metal stuff! As you can see by my list saying that "They've explored every musical style" is downright untrue!
I don't want to hear any electronic beats in their music! Although I was into house, trip hop, hip hop & downbeat some years ago I've gotten tired of that synthetic sound!