What's the fuck is wrong with you guys? (Sturgis rant inside)

this is my first time posting in a newfag bitching about joey drama, but this is just getting ridiculous. For starters this is the ANDY SNEAP forum, a forum for audio engineers to collaborate, share ideas and critique other's work, give updates about the gneral music production/engineering world. But lately it seems to be a flock of mindless scenefags that are doing nothing more than joining the forum to talk about how much they worship "Person-A", ask for his presets, and expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter without any work including the amount of calories it takes to use the search function than make a new thread asking something for nothing.

I am about sick and tired of hearing producer drama and the wave, infestation...no PLAGUE of n00bs (under 100 posts, join date post 2008) that do nothing more than ask questions that have been beet to death expecting someone else to do the work for them. 90% of all the threads are condescending teenagers that are new to the forums because they all secretly want to suck the dick of "Person-A". I am tired of seeing the old respected knowledge mature members leaving (Including Andy) because of the general garbage that is being posted here by utter and pathetic n00bs. There is nothing wring with forum noobs, just don't act like a mindless idiot, but no every fucking week we have "person-A drama because scene kids pissed of the well established members and said members grow a hate for the scene as they see it as a flock of mindless followers.

To everyone:
Shut up about "Person-A" or any other god damned producer around here. They (he) is talented at what he does, but no man on this planet should ever worshiped, leave them (him) to their humble lives in peace doing what they do to make a living. I don;t care if you worship person-a or hate him, leave him alone already and lets talk about more important things on this forum.

N00bs: Shut the fuck up, use the search function, use google, youtube before coming here. Instead of posting new threads asking something for nothing, read through the forums and when you generally are stumped or find that you can help someone, then post a reply. The general requirment of this forum is that it is an audio engineer's forum, meaning that its expected that you already know basic engineering, if you don't even Tad Donely can give you a well informed crash course, just don't bug us with that shit.

And contribute something when you can, instead of barging in here and asking us for shit, why don't you actually give us something, we will remember it and be willing to help you out when you need it, its called basic social skills. This forum is a brotherhood, do your best to become apart of it. Stop asking stupid questions and educate yourself on elementary issues before mindlessly posting new threads proving that you have no basic knowledge of social protocols.

let these threads die already!

to end off with /b/ comment

"oh look, this thread again

huge fucking plus one!
though I gotta say I'd be happy if it one was one new thread per week.

I'm not closing this thread (yet) , because I think people on this forum are smart enough to just let it die

Exactly what I need right now!!!!!!
You guys might flame all you want.

But you know what's funny?
I started this thread..

And I put "Sturgis" in the title.

And look at the views and replies on this thread.
That's good game right there.

My point is proven exactly.

This thread can be deleted/closed, whatever.

Now compare the views and replies to someone asking for help in the "Production Tips" area.

Congratulations for discovering how to create controversy. How very profound of you. It's truly a revelation that more people are willing to condemn than praise. Fascinating.

Also, let's be honest for a second, that was quite obviously a failed attempt at maintaining some sort of upper hand, or perhaps even to try and demonstrate that your topic has some sort of point other than the shitty non issue you started with, only it's quite clear that it lacked the intelligence to appear anything more than clumsy, bumbling and insipid. This topic has a point? No it doesn't. It started as an issue thats been debated to death and it ended with you looking stupid.

Move on.
Now compare the views and replies to someone asking for help in the "Production Tips" area.


Exactly what? Here's some threads from the Production tips subforum:

Acoustic Drums for Metal: A Guide - 27 pages
That "Clayman" sound - 22 pages
Preparing your tracks for reamping: A Guide - 15
Drum Samples Meta - 7 pages
Reaper Slip Editing Tutorial - 6 pages

You have proven jack shit. And you have absolutely no need to prove anything, either. Let it go. As you can see, the most viewed thread there is actually a guide about actually micing a real instrument and making it sound good. So is the second thread. There's a fuck-ton of information there for anyone who can be bothered to read it and is genuinely interested.

Now quit this shit already. Seriously.
yknow this is no disrespect to joey, he seems a cool guy, but I have no fuckin idea of any band he's done or any mix, am I missing something, whats all the ranting about? Im serious.
yknow this is no disrespect to joey, he seems a cool guy, but I have no fuckin idea of any band he's done or any mix, am I missing something, whats all the ranting about? Im serious.

The ones I'm familiar with are Oceano, The Devil Wears Prada, and the band that AFAIK started this whole flamers vs. fanboys situation that seems to get discussed here on a daily basis, Attack Attack!. This is the music video that I think originally started the whole deal:

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And holy shit, after seeing the vid where the AUTOTUNE ME IN THE BUTT guitarist/singer gets nailed on stage by the bottle (and being aghast at the hairdo he was sportin' :zombie: ), I realize that he must've straightened his hair for the shooting of the above video, jesus christ :lol: (I guess a lot of teh gayz, I mean emos, must as well, oy...)
Lol I was kidding ;)
I just wanted to point out that the boobs thread needed help. Those boobs were worth of that thread ;) you can leave them here as well, boobs can't hurt actually they help people having hard ons ahahah.


yknow this is no disrespect to joey, he seems a cool guy, but I have no fuckin idea of any band he's done or any mix, am I missing something, whats all the ranting about? Im serious.

you probably haven't heard of any of my work

but they're mostly bands on indie labels, some heavy, some not
selling numbers range from 5 - 10 k to 100 k plus records
no it doesnt

attack attack is 1 of 500 bands i've worked with

and out of the 5 - 10 bands who have actually sold records, they are only one

please do NOT say that sums me up, EVER

Sorry dude, I should've made it more clear, I meant that pretty much sums up what started this whole ridiculous fixation