What's the meaning of your username?

I look like little bit and act like captain Haddock from Tintin. It started as a new username in punk forums, then my friends just started to call me Haddock. And they still do. Also this describes me very much(and the Haddock from Tintin):

That's great. :lol:

You should make him your profile image.
Denrich is an English name that proclaims wealth belongs to the people of the den, not people of the street. Hence, the marriage of two simple words "den" (house) and "rich" (wealth).
SixSix...Seven? camed from a party that i was after being matured.There was this girl that claimed''to know everything about satanism,,.So i asked her:What is the number of the ''Beast,,? She said:SixSix...Seven? I nearly laughed off and this incident is still in my mind
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Named after one of the absolute masterpieces from one of my favorite (classical) composers:

Mine came from my group of friends in high school. I was that kid that would do dumb stuff just for fun with my friends and they started calling me Krazy Kev lol
Well mine is pretty simple. I wanted to be a game designer. Originally took my birth sign of gemini to make Gemini Studios Inc. But after a while kind of got bored of it and decided to go with something I could brand a lot more, Alchemy Studios Ink. Sounds like a tattoo company, but I was shifting from game design to art and beyond.

Eventually kind of stuck, and expanded outwards. Lots of my tech has names like philosopher stone, Flamel, Alchemist lane etc
their demo also contains this phrase, and it's one of my favourite eps, but i thought especially of this song when i chose my username (i also use it on several different sites)

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Never really had a proper username for a long time until one day when I was playing Civilization and I didn't know what to name one of my cities. My dad said that I could name it after the irl town of Gustavia in the caribbean since my name is Gustav and it's an old swedish colony. The name stuck with me and I've used it as my username ever since.
Bloopy is the name of an alien character I started drawing when I was 9 or 10. After thinking on it a lot, I figure the name probably came from imagining bubbling pools of slime on his home planet making a 'bloop' sound.
My new username was sort of a mistake. It is completely made up, and while it sounds okay, in my mind it has connotations that I no longer like. It's better than Iron Wizard at least.