What's the most embarassing CD in your collection?

haha yeh i usually dont edit my posts ever. somtimes ill leave out like a few words or like half a sentence and ill go back and add it back in. but i never correct spelling or whatever.
as you know, i dont edit very often at all. SOmetimes i get the urge, then i get tired of posting hahahaha.

SOme fuckers like guerrilla turd, the dude with coick hat and the ass hat, he cant handle a misspeller,.

He said some stuff about you as well. ITs in one of the threads around here. Get him back dude. do it.
he did say some really bad shit about you. REALLY man. You should verbally rip him a new asshole. I know i know, the asshole he already has is big enough to share with the populas of a small country, but do it any way man,. JUST DO IT.